House Goals 2020

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Although the year is half over, I figured there’s still a few months left and why not have some goals for our new home? We’ve officially been in our home two months and honestly, it feels like it’s been longer than that. We’ve made some great friends in our new neighborhood, visited some great churches, ate at some delicious restaurants and figured out where to shop. All in all, it’s been so good!

Since moving in, I’ve painted our front door pink and our kitchen island green. Great little makeovers but we’ve been itching to do a project, put our stamp on this house so to speak and actually do something besides paint. Finally, this weekend we finally were able to do something!

So while the back hallway/entry wasn’t first on my list of projects, I knew it would be a good one to experiment with. And honestly I stare at it a lot because it’s right off the kitchen.

This is a work in progress shot. It’s going to take us a few weeks to finish this one up. We plan to beadboard the ceiling, add two wood beams and then finish off the trim on the top/sides.

The powder room is sort of connected to this project, so once I figure out what wallpaper I am going with in here, then I will paint the door. Can you see the small sample I currently have in there under the mirror?

A transom above the wall/door leading into the kitchen would add a lot of nice natural light into this area too so that’s phase three of this project. Hubby will need to case out this door frame and cut the transom so that might be a bit later down the road.

We already have some other projects percolating in our heads. Here’s the list of things we hope to accomplish yet this year.

Add a transom above the wall between the kitchen and back entryway

Build a deck – This slope is making it tricky.

Redo the fireplace – really hoping this fall we can get it done!

Wallpaper the Powder Room and beadboard the walls – super quality pics on the blog today

Shiplap or something the front entryway wall

Change out the knobs and faucet in the kitchen

PAINT – everywhere is flat paint and I hate it. With a gaggle of 11 year old boys running through the house I will let you imagine what our walls look like already.

The list isn’t too long but building a deck might take a while. Of course my hubby will do it himself because he’s a great builder and the cost of paying someone to build a deck doubles your cost.

We have some other ideas of projects we would like to do in our home but not sure we will tackle those this year.

Add some shiplap and a beam to our bedroom ceiling.

Create a little kitchenette/bar type area in the basement

Maybe add a transom above my hubby’s office door and do some sort of brick wall

Add more detailed trimwork aka shiplap, board and batten, beadboard type stuff around the house.

Add storage to our master closet – this seems kind of boring

Maybe eventually do a hood or over the stove

Possibly change out the sink in the kitchen. Someone put the disposal on the wrong side of the sink.

A patio and also maybe a firepit area near the back of our yard closer to the pond

Shutters for the house and a windowbox

Maybe add wood beams in the living room

Change out lighting in bedrooms and bathrooms

There it is, our 2020 house goals! Let’s see how much we accomplish before January!

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