Before we delve into the topic today, we want to mention two things. First, our intent and our spirit today is not one of judging those who are divorced. We are just sharing a bit of our hearts and what we’ve been through and what we believe about our society and divorce today. This post […]
Continue ReadingMarriage Monday: Get Away From It All
No, your eyes are not playing a trick on you, it’s true, we are posting a Monday Marriage post! Last time we talked about how it’s important to make time for you and your spouse with weekly or monthly (Hopefully) date nights. Today we are going to take the idea even further and discuss overnight […]
Continue ReadingMarriage Monday: Date Nights
Alright, it’s Marriage Monday again and time for another weekly helping of a marriage focus topic. This week we are talking about date night, taking time away from “ordinary life” and setting it aside to spend time with the person who matters most in your world (or at least should matter most anyway!!). […]
Continue ReadingMarriage Monday: The Five Love Languages (cont.)
Last week we shared our first Marriage Monday post. We included a link for the Five Love Languages quiz, if you didn’t get a chance to take the quiz, head over there and do it! Just a quick recap for those of you that haven’t read the book yet, the five love languages are listed […]
Continue ReadingMarriage Monday: Introduction & The Five Love Languages
Hello! The Blooming Hydrangea is beginning a new weekly series this week entitled “Marriage Mondays”. We (more on this in a minute) are so excited to bring you a weekly blog post involving all things related to marriages, and it is our hope that your marriages (or soon-to-be marriages) are blessed as you learn and […]
Continue ReadingHappy Valentines Day!
Ah Valentines Day, one of the most commercialized days of the year for love, well after Kim Kardishian’s wedding that is. Or was it her divorce? Did I just say that out loud? Oops! Source: via Ange@thebloominghydrangea on Pinterest According to the Urban Dictionary, the definition of Valentine’s Day is: The reason so many […]
Continue ReadingLife and Love: Dream a Little Dream
My husband and I lead a small group for couples and we just started reading the book “One Month to Live” by Pastor Kerry Shook and his wife Chris. We are only on the first week so I’m not sure what I think of this book yet but ask me in 30 days and I’ll […]
Continue ReadingConference Weekend
Well the big event is almost here, tomorrow evening I will be standing on a stage with my husband and trying not to pass out. My husband and I are coordinators for a Love & Respect Marriage Conference this weekend in our community. We are so excited for the people that are attending to hear […]
Continue ReadingA Redeeming Love Story
In honor of Valentine’s Day coming up, I thought I would share a little love story with you. First I’ll give you some background. My husband and I are hosting a marriage conference in our city this year, it’s called Love & Respect. We were first introduced to the message of Love & Respect about […]
Continue ReadingA gift for your man, spelled R-E-S-P-E-C-T
Ladies,Valentine’s Day is fast approaching and what are you giving your man this year? How about a respect card? You can either purchase a blank card or make a card yourself. Inside you will tell him how much you appreciate his providing for you/your family, acknowledge that he’s a hard worker, a good father, a […]
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