Chalkboard Subway Tile Backsplash & My Kitchen

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Don’t you love when inspiration hits?  It’s a drop everything, I need to do this now kind of thing for me so when I saw Carmel’s  Chalkboard Brick Fireplace Makeover on Monday, I was hit hard with inspiration!

Which reminded me of The Nester’s chalkboard fireplace that I have always loved.


Then I did a quick little search on Pinterest and found this, exactly what I had in mind and no, being a cat on a counter was not it.


I was possibly supposed to be have some ladies over for dinner Monday night, needing to make soup, make food for a MOPS meeting the next day, tidy up the house a bit, you know that sort of stuff.  Instead I started painting a chalkboard backsplash.  I may have made a trip to Hobby Lobby in a snow storm to get a chalk marker too, you know because these things are important when inspiration strikes!


Step 1:  Start with a blah back splash area in need of some whimsy and a checkbook that doesn’t have enough money for new counter tops and a black splash.  This is in the plan for the next few years but until then, I thought this might be fun!

Step 2:  I already owned chalkboard paint so this was free for me.  A quart of Rustoleum chalkboard Paint from your local hardware store should be around $10-$15.  After that, paint like a mad woman with chalkboard paint, try to do this at an inconvenient time and when you are hosting a dinner.

Step 3:  Run to Hobby Lobby in a snow storm and buy a chalk marker using a 40% off coupon and only pay $3.58.

Step 4:  Try to make straight lines yourself and have it end up looking like you were drawing drunk.

Step 5:  Involve hubby who has a tendency to be anal very detailed which I am not.

We used a level, a big bistro chalk marker from Hobby Lobby that had a square tip and I would NOT suggest using and some yellow thing that had a straight edge for the drawing the vertical lines straight.  I went back to Hobby Lobby today and found a four pack of chalk markers with nice rounded tips, theywere $12.99 but once again, use the 40% off coupon.  The chalk markers do not wipe off like chalk does so they are great to use for this type of thing.  You can also purchase it here.  I have had a few questions about it wiping off and it DOES NOT unless you use water and it still leaves behind a line so this should last a while.

Throw in a double butt shot for good measure and also begin to wonder why we are matching in our navy shirts.  And that is not my skin showing, it’s a tank top.   We really had to get up close and personal while doing this so I would suggest doing this with a spouse or good friend who doesn’t mind you all up in their business.

Step 5:  Step back and admire your whimsical, cheap back splash that makes you very happy!  (After you take 6,000 pictures of the kitchen only to discover you are missing a vertical line in two spaces, then take 4,000 more pictures).

 Enjoy the photo overload!!!

I even love it at night time, it looks amazing with the under cabinet lights on it!

And now for some good before and afters!





You can read about painting the cabinets here and here.  The light over the sink was a free Craigslist find and I just added the bamboo shade over the sink which I love!  So what do you think?    Do you have a back splash already?  Are you over the chalkboard craze?  Do you love it as much as I do?

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49 thoughts on “Chalkboard Subway Tile Backsplash & My Kitchen

  1. Total goodness and look how great it ties both rooms together. A little black paint. Cool stuff. Your new drapes are so nice too! I have to go find something to paint with the chalkboard paint. I have a quart already just dying to be used.

  2. This is SICK. Like, sick-AMAZING. I am craaaazy about it! I saw these photos when you first posted them on FB, and I thought I must be seeing it wrong because no one can draw lines that straight. 🙂 But you did it! LOVE THIS PROJECT.

  3. What a clever idea. It really looks amazing. I see the gray drapes in your dining room…does that mean that’s the ones you went with? I originally voted for the others, but I have to say that I really like the gray ones now that I see them from the kitchen. Your kitchen looks really beautiful with all of the changes.

  4. Ange! That looks FABULOUS! Seriously. I really love the difference it makes. What a great creative project for a tight budget. Love love love it! I’m including a link back in this week’s DIY favorites/highlights. 😉 Thanks so much for sharing!

  5. Wow, looks wonderful.. and yes, how does it clean up if you splash salad (oil) dressing on it? NO, don’t try it just to answer me… grin. I love it.

  6. Wow, what a difference! I love that something as simple as chalkboard paint can totally change the look and feel of a room. The black looks so classy in your kitchen 🙂 And awesome before and afters! I love that vaulted ceiling in your family room.

  7. Holy cow!!!!!!!! Genius!!!!!!!!!!! I don’t have a back splash and have been wavering between going for a fun color and choosing something neutral and sensible. Once I commit to a tile backsplash, it would take an act of congress to change it. But chalk paint????? Oh my word. I could try one thing for a while and if I don’t like it, I could try another. I think I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. By the way – I have read lots about the chalk markers. The recommendations for removing the lines are Windex or Coca-Cola. Apparently those specific brands are important. The off brands or alternatives don’t work as well. The coke sounds like a sticky mess, but the folks who use it, swear it’s fantastic and no stickiness is left behind. Several write ups were by people who had large chalkboard walls. I haven’t tried it because I don’t have any in the house.

  9. Love the backsplash & was super excited to subscribe to your blog by email but even though you have the button you don’t have it enabled. VERY sad!!! If you’re not going to enable it please take it off your blog.

  10. Hello. 🙂 Lovely job! I saw that you mentioned that it’s a chalk marker and doesn’t smudge. Is it not dusty-chalky? I would be worried about chalk dust with dust allergies and being in a kitchen around food. Looks fantastic though!

  11. LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! I really like the new curtain panels in your dining room too. I liked your kitchen valance in the first kitchen picture better than the bamboo because of the cute pattern

  12. I just found your blog through Hometalk. I love your kitchen colors and may do my kitchen the same way when we move into our new home. Anyhow, about he chalk paint back splash, does it wipe down easily? It is a back splash and will tend to get….well….splashed. How well does it clean up, and does the paint stay put when you do wipe up any splashes? Thanks in advance for your answer. Love, love, love your kitchen.

  13. Fabulous job! I just love it! I have a black Travertine backsplash and I just love the black… The chalkboard backsplash is a wonderful option for so many, thanks for sharing!

  14. love this! Featuring you on the blog and sharing on FB tomorrow! Thanks so much for linking up with OPC and the DIY village to support Habitat4Humanity. Hope to see back tomorrow night.

  15. hi this was featured today on home talk i love it, you did a fabulous job…. may i ask who is the blooming hydrangea ? thanks xx

  16. I love the chalkboard backsplash idea. How does it hold up over time? Is it easy to clean (I want to use it behind my stovetop so there’s bound to be daily cleaning involved.

    1. Thanks! It did hold up well and I just used a washcloth to wipe off the areas that got greasy/messy. I did paint over it now but I loved it while I had it!

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