DIY Entertainment Center Into a Play Kitchen

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UPDATE:  This kitchen has been pinned a lot.  I have since reshot pics of the play kitchen with better lighting and a better camera.  The pictures towards the bottom of the post are the original but if you want to pin this, I suggest using the newer pics which are now first.

Thanks to Pinterest and the lady who listed her entertainment center for free on Craigslist, my husband and I were able to make our kids a play kitchen for Christmas.   This was even on the list of my almost 11 year old daughter for Christmas, she said they missed our old kitchen we made last year together with what we had laying around our home.

Although our last kitchen was fun and easy to make, the kids were hoping for something a little bigger this time.  There is some great inspiration and creativity out there in blogland which helped my hubby visualize what I was hoping to do.  Check out some of these great kitchens and please, please, please head over to the original blogger if you are going to pin these next three kitchen pics, they would like the credit just as I would want credit for my work!   Under the photo you will find the link directly to the blog post for pinning.




The debate we started with was the glass doors, to remove them or keep them on.  We thought it would be a nice “fridge” so I spray painted the inside of the glass doors for the fridge with the aluminum spray paint.  Next I smoothed out clear contact paper over the doors so the paint wouldn’t scratch off, the contact paper side is also on the inside of the doors.  If it was a fail we would resort to plan B, which we didn’t really have in place.   After 9 months the glass and contact paper are still holding up perfectly!

The countertop was made using Contact Paper from Target for $5 a roll with plenty left over for other projects or maybe more play kitchens.  I had so much fun making this one that I would love to do some more.  If you live near me and want to place an order, let me know!

For the sink we used a stainless steel bowl we found at Savers for $3 and we purchased the faucet from Wal-Mart for $11.  Hubby cut out a hole and then just placed the bowl in there and used some liquid nails around the edge to keep it secure.  For the faucet he drilled the holes and screwed it in.

To make the cooktop we purchased a piece of 11×14 clear acrylic from Home Depot for $2.  I spray painted the back of it with black spray paint so that it wouldn’t scratch off when the kids were playing with it.  The spray paint also gave the cooktop a speckled look that you can see in the picture with it on top of the white paper.  I then spray painted some blank cd-r discs  black as well and used some acrylic paint I had on hand to paint the outer edge gray and a few of the inner edges with a circle as well to resemble a cooktop burner.  The cd’s were then covered with the clear contact paper so once again, the paint wouldn’t scratch off from being played with.  The knobs for the cooktop were free from a local Appliance Store.  I called and asked if they sold oven knobs and I was told I could order some.  When I explained I was looking for some for a play kitchen for my kids, the man told me to come down and I could dig through a box of miscellaneous knobs they had.  I love free stuff!  Liquid Nails was our best friend and what we used to glue down the cd’s to the cooktop and then the cooktop to the countertop.  For the oven knobs the hubby drilled holes through the plexiglass and then pounded a picture nail partway through but sticking up enough so that the knobs stick on there.
The back of the entertainment center was open so we used some beadboard that was leftover scraps from our friends’ dining room project , so it was free which is always nice. The light above the sink is a push button light from the dollar store that is battery operated, we originally purchased a similar light at Home Depot for $6 but returned it after we found the same thing for a dollar.  The light is attached with velcro squares to the ceiling, so when we need to change the batteries we can just pull down the light, change them out and then velcro it back up there.  My husband thinks of all these things, that’s why we work so well together!

For the oven door, my hubby used his jig saw and cut the square shape out and attached a piece of clear plexiglass ($2) to the inside of the oven door with screws.   The plexiglass did end up breaking a bit near the top so he was very careful putting in the last screw the second time around.

For the wire shelf in the oven, we purchased a piece of shelving from Home Depot for $5 and used a hack saw to cut off the appropriate width.  He cut it a little too tight but that worked in our favor and then he used two screws on each side to hold the front of the rack in place.  It was already gray so we didn’t need to spray paint it.

The handles for the stove and the pantry were a bit pricey, the oven handle was $9 and the pantry was $6, the handle for the small door under the sink was only $3 .  I spray painted the hinges on the doors with a $3 can of Rustoleum Alumninum spray paint  which we also used for the oven door, fridge door handles and the fridge doors as well.
The kitchen is done for now but as the kids play with it, we may turn the cupboard under the sink into a dishwasher and possibly add a microwave too.  For now it’s getting played with and the kids love it!


Rough estimate for the total cost of this project is $100 including the picture frame, the hand towel, oven mitt and washcloths all which came from the dollar store.  If you have any questions about this, I’d love to answer them!  I hope this will inspire you to turn a piece of furniture into something fun for you children or grandchildren.

I’m linking up here:



Chic on a Shoestring Decorating




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31 thoughts on “DIY Entertainment Center Into a Play Kitchen

  1. Ange, this is awesome! I have two nieces and I would love to make something like this for them!I love your creativity and that the kitchen looks modern! Nice job!

  2. it looks adorable, ange! i am sure those kiddos were thrilled! how fun! love the photo in it, too- great idea!

  3. Ange!! That is beyond incredible! How totally darling and so creative. I love the size and how much more realistic it looks. Your kiddos must be having so much fun with it and you should definitely be proud of your hard work. It paid off big time! 🙂

  4. Okay…that is really amazing. That is the coolest kitchen ever. Your kids must be thrilled. Lucky them. Thanks for sharing at DIYbyDesign.

  5. Found you on facebook! What a great idea for a kitchen. I didn't even know it was an entertainment center! Five stars to you for a great idea.

  6. Wow – You are putting me to shame with all these great projects. Love the cloffice stencil! Glad to have found you – following now and linking up.

  7. Oh my goodness, I LOVE your version!! I want to make one for my daughter. Every single detail is SO cute and creative. Love, love, love!!

    I found your blog through It's Overflowing! I love it! I'm your newest follower and would love for you to come follow me back if you get a chance! <3

  8. Oh my gosh!!!! It is the cutest thing I have ever seen!!! I bet your kids are having a ball with that! That is definitely $100 well spent…and there is really nothing better than a gift you put your own love and sweat in to (c: My kids would go crazy for that! Best part is that if I started now, I might actually finish by next Christmas! (c: You are the DIY queen, girl!

  9. This is so stinkin' adorable I can hardly stand it!! I came by to say thanks for stopping by my blog and then I was totally hanging on every word from this post! I absolutely LOVE it!! I wish I had seen this several years ago when my kiddos were younger. It's the details that make it…the light (love the velcro idea), the framed photo, the fridge doors…I could go on and on! VERY well done!!

  10. What an amazing project!
    I just found your blog this evening and what a treat.

    I enjoyed visiting, and I am a new follower.

    Have a Happy New Year!

    White Spray Paint

  11. This is way adorable! Happy New year to you. I hope you can come up with something fun for the magazine copy cat challenge, you will be glad you did!

  12. I love transformations…this turned out amazing! It is so cute! I'm your newest follower from the chic on a shoestring party. If you get a chance, I'd love you to stop by my blog & maybe follow along too!

  13. Oh my gosh Ange! That is seriously awesome!!!! I can't get over how creative you and your husband are! The fridge doors, the cooktop, the beadboard backsplash – it's all amazing!!! Wow!

  14. OMG! We must be kindred spirits – as I was reading this, I caught a glimpse of your plates over on the sidebar…we have the same dishes!

    And AWESOME kitchen! If I had room for one in my house, I would definitely be making one!

  15. Have really been wanting to DIY a kitchen for our little guy. Love your CD idea for the burners…SO smart!!

  16. I love you kitchen! I want to make one for my daughter and have been scouring Craigslist for an entertainment center…, question- what are the fridge doors made of? Originally I think they were glass.

  17. Did you cut the whole for the sink before or after you applied the contact paper? Just wondering. I’m working on one for my kiddo and just finished sanding. I’m so grateful for your tutorial !

  18. […] DIY Entertainment Center Into a Play Kitchen – this is for the kiddos! Plastic kid-chens are pretty common, but what about giving your little one their own custom kitchen made out of an old school entertainment system?! This has to be one of the most unique repurpose ideas we have seen in our searches, and it can really be a special gift to your kids as well! […]

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