The ORC is done, I have left the coma of rushing to complete everything and now I’m back with the details. Two of the main reasons for starting this room were the sectional sofa we purchased and new carpeting was being installed. And then in the end, the sectional went in the fireplace room. […]
Continue ReadingORC Week 4 Living Room – Wood Beams & Lighting in the living room
This week we accomplished a few things! Yeah for us! I still don’t want to show a pic of the entire room yet because I love it and I want to be dramatic. Although I will say if you follow me on instagram, I may have shown a looksi the other day on my stories. […]
Continue ReadingORC Week 2 – Challenges with husbands and furniture
Hello friends. Time for an ORC check in for week deux or two if you’re not french. We had a lot of big changes happen last week, paint, accent wall. carpet and arguing over which furniture goes in which room. To recap, Angela sold a vision of the front room complete with the new sectional […]
Continue ReadingORC – Week 1 Our Living Room – Decorating around a sectional I don’t like
Welcome friends! It’s my favorite time of year, the ORC! This will be my 5th time participating and I can’t wait to see what everyone is doing. Here’s a quick recap of a few rooms I’ve done in the past, one being our Sexy Master Bedroom and another favorite, our Sexy Master Bathroom. Now […]
Continue ReadingIt’s the most wonderful time of the year
No, I’m not talking about fall, or pumpkin barf spice everything. I am talking about the One Room Challenge! For this challenge, we will be tackling the front/formal living room. It recently looked like this before I sold my beloved ektorp furniture. We recently purchased a sectional from Costco of all places and I needed a […]
Continue ReadingNavy blue is in the house….again
Oh navy blue, I love you and can’t stay away for long. Our first encounter was in my master bedroom, daring, I know! And I loved you then, all bold and blue but after a while you were too much for me and I needed a change. I tried other blues in another room instead but they just weren’t […]
Continue ReadingLiving Room Dilemmas
Hey friends, so if you follow me on instagram or my facebook page, you know last week I may have painted my front living room. I went wild and crazy, choosing a color without sampling it first and as you know, that’s probably a bad idea. I’m just going to be blunt and blame it […]
Continue ReadingAdding bling to the back of the bookshelf
While wandering through TJ Maxx one day, I found this awesome zebra contact paper on clearance for $3. I have held onto this paper, hoping to use it in my home someday but not really sure when or on what. Originally I was thinking maybe for my hubby’s office but he was not a big […]
Continue Readingn Progress: French Doors for the Living Room/Office
Warning: These pictures are not “styled” or “pretty.” This is to document my progress on our office and the doors. If you happen to follow me on Instagram and/or facebook then you were able to see the newest project we’ve started here at Hydrangea Home. For those of you that don’t know, when we moved […]
Continue ReadingThe Living Room a work in progress
So we have been at the new place for almost three months and I figured I should probably start posting some pictures of our rooms even though they aren’t close to being done. The formal living room is actually the farthest along out of all the rooms right now. I wish I had a picture […]
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