While wandering through TJ Maxx one day, I found this awesome zebra contact paper on clearance for $3. I have held onto this paper, hoping to use it in my home someday but not really sure when or on what. Originally I was thinking maybe for my hubby’s office but he was not a big fan of the zebra pattern. It was just languishing away in my basement storage area, waiting for it’s chance to shine and it’s day finally came!
This front living room is large and we’ve used it as a formal living room with leather couches that we no longer own, we tried out the dining room in here for a while, then we added french doors and hubby used it for his office. After bartering Pottery Barn Teen bedding and a paint job for some furniture, I decided to move the couches out of the basement playroom into the front living room, move hubby down to the basement (again) and create a second living room with a tv in it. My motives are purely evil, I have a thirteen year old in the house now and I don’t want couches in an area we can’t supervise. She is not even really interested in boys that much right now so I figured if we did it now, it will just be normal to hang out in the front room. They can close the french doors but I can see through them to know what’s going on.
So after moving a bunch of heavy furniture, this is a sneaky peeky at the room, I didn’t paint the walls, just hung up some curtains, moved in the couch, loveseat and dresser from the dining room, hung some photos and called it a day. The bookcase was free from a friend and we still use it. It’s from Target, nothing special but does the job for us.
One day while staring at the room I remembered my zebra contact paper and within about 20 minutes, the back of the bookcase went from boring to blinged out beautiful! It really adds just a nice pop of pattern and color into the corner of the room. Not bad for a free bookcase, $3 contact paper and 20 minutes of my time!!!!
You could easily do this with fabric, gift wrap or scrapbook paper as well. In fact, I have another area that I’ve blinged out that I’ll show you soon along with the rest of this room. Have you blinged out your bookshelves?