I have become slightly obsessed with taking pictures of my dogs, yes my dogs not my kids, it is a bit sad really but the kids don’t cooperate. Well I should say dog, as the schnauzer always sits nicely for me and even looks at the camera like she knows what is going on. Ruby, […]
Continue ReadingRandom Thursday
Two posts in one week, crazy! Today I thought I’d just throw some random goodness in a post all together. Earlier this week we had a snowstorm, 11 inches total over 2 days. I had some fun taking photos and trying to use the camera in snow. Some are from Instagram, others from the […]
Continue ReadingRandom Thursday
Long time no see! I hope everyone is doing well. I have missed blogging, reading blogs and even chatting with many of you but the summer has been busy, the calender is filling up and school will be starting very soon! I thought I’d just share some bits and pieces of life that have […]
Continue ReadingRandom Thursday (play set update)
This week has been quite busy with random things like my MOPS craft/spa night, hubby joined the church softball league so he has games every Tues. evening and we attended Awanas awards night was last night. The school year is coming to a close and activities are finishing up. Soon we will be on our […]
Continue ReadingRandom Thursday on a Friday that feels like a Saturday
It’s been a busy week around our home, the kids are on Spring Break this week and so I don’t have much to blog about but thought I’d share a little of our past week with you and I’ll even throw in a sneek peak at little A’s room. WARNING kid picture heavy blog post […]
Continue ReadingFriday and some Eye Candy
Good Friday Morning! I thought I”d share a few quick links with you from this past week and also some of my favorite wall treatments right now. Earlier this week I was featured over at Kelli’s blog Eat Pray (Read) Love, talking about our master bedrooms in her marriage series Young and Old Wive’s […]
Continue ReadingMaster Bedroom Update and other Thurdsay Randomness
Well it seems I might have a new contributor to my blog. Everyone thought my hubby was just the funniest guy in his first post, if only you people lived with him and his “humor” everyday, you might not find him so funny. Ok, really he can be funny and we do love to laugh […]
Continue ReadingRandom Thursday and a favor
Good Morning friends! Not sure how you are doing this week but I am having a hard time getting motivated to blog. Maybe it’s because my head is swimming around with ideas, projects and orginazing goodness. Yesterday I was supposed to be preparing for the two birthday parties at our home this coming Saturday. Instead […]
Continue ReadingRandom Thursday
Good Morning my lovely friends! It’s been a while since I did a Random Thursday post and this week just seems like a perfect one to bring it back. I don’t know about you but I am so exhausted from this past week, I am ready to chill in front of the fire with my […]
Continue ReadingRandomness on a Monday
Good Morning friends, just a few quick things to share with you this morning. First off, I’m guest posting today over at Hyphen Interiors for Kristy who’s getting ready to move to another city for her hubby’s job and they already sold their house! So Congrats to them and if you haven’t been over to […]
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