Random Thursday (play set update)

Posted On By ange
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This week has been quite busy with random things like my MOPS craft/spa night, hubby joined the church softball league so he has games every Tues. evening and we attended Awanas awards night was last night.  The school year is coming to a close and activities are finishing up.  Soon we will be on our way to Hotlanta for the Haven Conference and our family vacation.  It’s time for me to start getting organized for our trip and figuring out what we need to pack to keep all the children entertained.  We are bringing a DVD player but we want to use it very sparingly.  Half the fun of the car trip is being stuck  together in the vehicle for hours on end.   If you have any tips for long car rides I’d love hear them!

Last week the hubby took Friday morning off so we could have breakfast together, do some garage saleing and just hang out.  We didn’t find a whole lot at the garage sales but I did pick up this mirror for $10.

The mirror is really heavy and a nice size,  I think it could work well in the hubby’s office.  While on a date Saturday night we ended up at Barnes & Noble.  This book was $3.99 in the clearance section so I grabbed it as the pictures would look great framed together.


Of course I just quickly glanced at the book and saw pages and pages of shells like above.  Leave it to Little A to look through the book and find the section with the naked sea people drawings.

Oops!  Guess I’ll be ripping those out.  Anyone want them?  😉

In other randomness….the play set is coming together.  Last Saturday our backyard looked like barren and kind of ghetto.  Old dried out Christmas trees under the deck probably don’t help our ghetto look.  Our backyard is quite large but not very flat so finding a place for a play set and also a pool was a challenge.  It was hard to photograph but here you go.  This is a side view, I’m standing in the neighbor’s yard.

This is the back corner of our lot with that sad little birch tree.  I wanted the play set to be on this side of the yard.


Do you like the patches of grass that are sticking up?  That’s where the dogs pee and they help our lawn grow.  Seriously.  Also the lawn is in need of a good mowing.

We have a very nice size deck , the patio set and grill fit on here without any problems.  The previous owners had a hot tub where our table is located.

The bub’s and I were potting some flowers earlier in the day and I didn’t move our bag of soil.  The deck is in need of a stain job so after the play set, the kitchen, the pool and a vacation maybe the hubs can get to that.

Kudos to my husband for building a play set with kids playing on it while he’s working, along with having extra neighbor kids over to “help.”  We had about 3 or 4 extra kids over, they were excited!  He really didn’t mind at all and the bigger girls were a lot of help building this, he likes to call it indentured servantry.


The neighbor behind us told me she couldn’t believe how much we accomplished on the play set already.  Hubby’s hoping to finish it up this weekend.

On Friday we had Ruby spayed.  We picked her up Saturday morning and they told us to keep her quiet and low on activity for 4 to 5 days.  Saturday I was able to take this rare photo of Ruby, she’s camera shy.

As soon as we were in the backyard Saturday, Ruby comes bounding down the stairs, leaping and running around the backyard, trying to jump over the fence to see the dogs behind us, chasing Heidi, chasing the kids and generally acting like she had not had major surgery the day before.  She’s been doing this every day since Friday and seems completely fine.  Can you imagine having a hysterectomy on Friday and Saturday resuming all normal activity and perhaps doing an intense work out besides?   She’s a nut but we love her!
That’s all the randomness for now, I did also make two cakes this week which I will share next week.  Tomorrow is Blooming Blogger Friday!  I hope you all enjoy a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend!

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7 thoughts on “Random Thursday (play set update)

  1. our poor playset is still in our garage….. we need to find some time as a family to get it together and pick the right spot, too!
    and that book is awesome. i would love to frame the naked sea people and hang it near my husband’s side of the bed since i at least look better than those ladies naked…. might make me feel a little sexier in the bedroom. 😉

  2. Wow, you guys are rockin and rollin on the playset, I’m sure the extra hands helped! 🙂 Your kiddos will love it for years! I always check out the books at B & N in hopes of finding something to frame, those will be great!

  3. Holy moly!!! Your yard is gigantic. Feel free to build me a house back there anytime….preferable one of those cool huge tree houses.

    Xx. Patience

  4. You cracked me up about the small patches of grass…nice free fertilizer, huh?! lol Great backyard for a great family to have fun in! I’m constantly impressed with the amount of work your husband does around the house. He has a great attitude about letting the kids help; believe me, when they get older, they don’t volunteer to help much. Although, weird things do happen…miracles really, because my 16 year old and her 3 friends cleaned my kitchen, dining room, living room and breakfast area today. {I don’t have to mention she was wanting to sleep over at someone’s house do I?} Thing is, they completely surprised me and I didn’t ask her to do it. So grateful for days like today. 😀 Love the play set! My kids would have enjoyed one like that when they were young. My 9 year old still would. 😉

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