Random Thursday on a Friday that feels like a Saturday

Posted On By ange
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It’s been a busy week around our home, the kids are on Spring Break this week and so I don’t have much to blog about but thought I’d share a little of our past week with you and I’ll even throw in a sneek peak at little A’s room.  WARNING kid picture heavy blog post ahead, if you are here for recipes, crafty goodness, diy or something other than my family you might want to come back next week.  🙂

Last weekend the hubby and the three girls sang in the choir at church for three services.  While this was great fun it was also a bit taxing, perhaps that is because we stayed up a wee bit late on Saturday night hanging out with our good friends and eating cake when we should have been at home in our beds getting sleep so we could get up early for church.

Miss E is in the front row in a striped dress/shirt deal.  I really like this picture because you can see her really smiling and worshipping. You wouldn’t know that a few hours before this she was freaking out, crying and on the verge of panic about singing in front of lots of people and didn’t want to do it.  Another fear conquered!!!!

In between her two cute friends is little Miss A with her green shirt and sweater.  She was also nervous about going on stage and didn’t want to sing out loud yet she wants to be a performer when she grows up.  If any of my children have the spunk to be on the stage, it’s her!

In the back row with a coral shirt and glasses is Miss N.  She was the one that was most excited for the choir weekend.  She gladly practiced the motions and singing everyday and tried to get her sisters to join in.  Not a peep out of her about being nervous which is funny because as a toddler and even until about first grade, she was the shyest kid.  She’s really blossoming into herself and I love to see that!

The bubs or J-man as we like to call him did not sing although I”m sure he would have if they would let him. So after the service on Saturday we stayed for dinner and he had fun running around the gym with his friend C-man.

In fact, C-man and bubs had a sleepover on Sunday night at C-man’s house.  Here he is with his suitcase all ready to go.  He did great, didn’t miss us at all and slept all night!

C-man is great with our bubs, he is patient and teaches J-man how to be a good kid, C-man is a wonderful role model for our little guy.   The bubs told me he wants to grow his hair long like C-man’s hair.  I laughed, what almost three year old says that?  Apparently mine.

Wednesday we babysit our neighbor kids for the day, which was fun!   Miss N was a great helper although she kept trying to steal the baby from me.  After babysitting some of our good friends from our life pre-children arrived for a night.  It was fun to get our families together and to stay up past our bedtime playing games.  Of course the girls spanked the guys at cards so that made for a good night!

Here is our gang, all together on the couch.  When two moms have cameras it is hard to figure out where to look.  It was fun having them visit us!

Thursday night the hubby had plans to play Settlers of Cataan.  The girls and I had a spa night while the bubs went to bed at 7pm, he was quite the treat after many many late nights this past week and an early bedtime was just what the mommy ordered.  Here we are, ready for spa night and the dogs think they are in on the fun too.   And is it just me or is the week you have PMS the worst for taking photos?  I feel just not attractive at all or photogenic either.  I want to cut off my hair, hate all my clothes and want to eat small children lots of salty and sweet items in mass quantities.  Also trying to take a photo with a timer and four kids and two dogs is near impossible.

We busted out our Bath & Body works spa foot treatments, nailpolish, a girly movie, popcorn, fruit smoothies and smore bars that I dropped on the oven door.

While I was busy swearing crying in the other room, hubby scraped it up and salvaged what he could.  The kids still ate it and they don’t care about presentation anyways, right?

I made the DIY pore strips from gelatin and milk.  Not my favorite thing ever….I panicked when my face couldn’t really move and tried to peel the stuff off.  It didn’t really come off very well and so I am not sure I”ll make that again.  Anyone have luck with this?  I was hoping to see some gross blackhead stuff  when I peeled the mask off but it was coming off in really little pieces so I couldn’t examine it.  Darn.

Here we are using the spa towel and scrubbing our faces with a warming cleanser.  Miss N has evidence of smore bars on her shirt.  🙂


The girls insisted on taking my picture and told me to post it on the blog.  They are catching on about this blogging thing.  Note to self, never let them have a camera and the password to my blog.

Then we tried cucumber slices on the eyes, I think maybe they were cut too thick but it was fun anyways.



If you have made it this far down in the post, kudos to you!  You deserve a prize!  How about a sneek peak at Miss A’s room?

The bottom green poof needs adjusting and we have no curtains yet but here it just a very small peek.  Hopefully after the kids head back to school next week I can get some serious work done in here.


Finally, Wednesday was my one year blogiversary and I didn’t even have time to post about it!  So next week will have some giveaways to celebrate!  Hope you all have a wonderful Easter weekend, I know we will as we celebrate the victory of the cross!  Thank you Jesus!

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8 thoughts on “Random Thursday on a Friday that feels like a Saturday

  1. Your little ones are adorable. Looks like you guys are having a blast. I love that you had a spa day with your girls. Your daughter’s room is so cheerful. I love the yellow bed. Hope you and your family have a wonderful Easter.

  2. i had more to say but then you end with that awesome picture of the bedroom and my mind goes blank in awe! it looks amazing!!!!
    sorry about the bars- try again. they are worth it. 🙂

  3. Love all the pictures of your family. You are making such good memeories for your children.
    The antique quilt on little A ‘s bed is just lovely. You are lucky to have it.

  4. Ange, I loved this post so much!! How cute was that spa night? Love the cucumbers on the eyes. You’re such a great mom! And your kids are all so cute – looks like you had a great school break.

    The room looks so pretty – love the color on the wall with the pop of red – that combination gets me every time.

    Happy Easter to you and your beautiful family, my friend!

  5. […] projects have been happening around here, just nothing posted lately.  I did give a sneak peek at Little A’s room the other day.  I will be working on finishing that up, I ordered curtain fabric, let’s hope […]

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