Master Bedroom Update and other Thurdsay Randomness

Posted On By ange
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Well it seems I might have a new contributor to my blog.  Everyone thought my hubby was just the funniest guy in his first post, if only you people lived with him and his “humor” everyday, you  might not find him so funny.  Ok, really he can be funny and we do love to laugh in our home so I’m glad you were able to get a glimpse of the awesome man I am blessed to be married to.  Of course he also can make me angry, like the other day when discussing our dog’s behavior problems on the phone, he was upset, made a rude comment and I being the mature woman in this relationship, hung up on him.  We resolved the issue, apologized to each other and life is good again.  Many people think we are living a perfect happy life here and yes we are happy most days but our life is not perfect and neither are we, although he comes darn close.  He’s a keeper for sure!

  Saturday night we hosted a game night at our home with some great families.  After moving the dining room into the living room, we lost an overhead light. Losing a light might be a benefit if you aren’t the best cook, then people can’t really see what they are eating but it presents a problem when you often use your dining room table for playing games.

So my hubby put his electrical skills to work and made this awesome light for us out of an extra extension cord and the boob light. 

I did ask the hubby if I was being disrespectful calling him a boob and he was totally down with it, just so you know.  

The giant boob light sold the very next day so now we have a single light bulb hanging form the ceiling.  We are trying to bring the depression era style back, what do you think?

Obviously this is not a long term solution to our lighting dilemma so I called an electrician to come and give us a quote.  He said it will be around $300 for them to come and cut holes in the drywall, drill through joists, run electrical to the middle of the room and install a box.  Then of course the drywall will need to be repaired and we have an awesome ugly popcorn treatment on our ceilings.  How do you recreate that great look yourself?  When I suggested just scraping the whole ceiling the hubsters was not having any of it.  I am giving up on the living room turned dining room for now and just moving it all back. Anyone else have any ideas for an overhead light without doing drywalling and electrical?

To end this blog on a happy note, I want to show you a little peek at my master bedroom wall.  I last left you with this picture:

A few days after hubby’s lasik surgery, we decided to get our stencil on in the bedroom.  Kinky, right?  My parrental units were here so we took advantage of them and got our groove on while they watched the kiddos.  Three hours later, we have this to show for it:

What do you think?  I love it, I was really hesitant to stencil this wall which is so not like me.  In fact, I had originally ordered this stencil from Cutting Edge back in November but then I emailed back and said, No Wait!  Don’t send it to me!  I then emailed again in December and said, ok send it!  I received the stencil on Christmas Eve and I still wasn’t sure about it.  I’m so glad I took a chance and did it!   Now if I can just convince the hubby we should paint the nightstands white.  You think after his post about painting wood yesterday he’d be on board with it.  Maybe y’all can convince him for me!  😉 

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25 thoughts on “Master Bedroom Update and other Thurdsay Randomness

  1. OH! OH! OH! I just LOVE the stenciled wall!!!! Seriously in LOVE with it! However, I agree with your hubby to not paint the nightstands white (with the white lamps & bedspread, I think it would just blend all together and lose impact). How 'bout staining a dark walnut or black, or paint the pretty turquoise color that's in the accent pillow?

    For the ceiling light issue, what is above the floor? Is there a 2nd floor, or easy attic access? My husband recently installed a ceiling light for my kids room. You can check out here: We installed a cheap $19.99 IKEA fixture, and $14.31 in electrical supplies for a total of $34.30!

  2. We have a second story above the ceiling so it won't be an easy fix. My hubby did all the electrical in our basement when we refinished it in our first home so he can do electrical it's just this will require drilling through the floor joists in the ceiling and making about 5 to 6 small holes. Blah. 🙁 Thanks for the suggestions!

  3. Wow! That stenciled wall makes such a huge difference in the look and feel of that room! Love it!

    As for the nightstands, I think they definitely need to be changed, and I am a big proponent of white paint generally, but I think that would be too much white on that wall (with the white lamp base, white comforter, and a large majority of the wall being white). What about pulling a color out of that colorful pillow on your bed? I love the coral pillows, but I think coral nightstands might be a little much. But then again, maybe not. Looking forward to seeing what you do with them!

  4. LOVE love love, darling, love. Looks so good!! I have a stencil (quatrefoil) from Cutting Edge just sitting in my closet. Don't know what the heck to do with it. Did I mention I love it? Nice work, y'all.

    I was immediately going to all caps PAINT THEM GOLD! then I quickly scrolled back up and saw that your bed is gold. Stain them dark! Super dark. Or even an almost black charcoaly paint if you'd rather do that.

    Sorry about your light. I don't have the foggiest idea except to say I always find amazing vintage hanging lamps that can be swagged and hung. Maybe? I cannot believe you are going to move everything back again. You must be the size of a pencil.

  5. love the stenciling, ange! it looks amazing! the colors design- everything!!! super super awesome!
    and my, what big boobs you have.

  6. LOL! You crack me up Ange! I got so lost in your hilarious commentary but then I kept scrolling and KA-POW…there was that awesome stenciled wall! Seriously, it looks so fantastic and your vision for the room is really coming to life. Don't think I'm crazy (any more than you already do!) but what would your hubby think about you painting the nightstands an actual color vs. white? Or you could even stain them and go darker…like really dark? I know whatever you decide it will look gaw-geous my friend and I'm thinking that depression-era lighting really might just make a comeback now. LOL!

  7. LOOOOVE that stenciled wall! LOVE the choice of stencil. I need something in my house with that stencil, stat! BTW, you can totally remove popcorn ceilings. It is NOT hard, just messy. And repairing drywall is a DIY job if you want it to be too. I have all kinds of faith in your diy-ability 🙂

  8. OMG that wall came out amazing. I actually scrolled back up I wasn't even sure it was the same room. I LOVE your choice in stencil. So stunning. Excellent job!

  9. Ooo, the stencil is lovely. I'm not so sure about painting the nightstands white. I do, however, agree that they need painted!! (Does that help your case at all?)

  10. The stencil is amazing. I would totally paint the nightstands but I think the white might disappear against the wall. What about a coral color? Kinda like the pillows. It would be a great pop of color and a great compliment to the wall.

    I have no ideas on the ceiling/electrical except that they sell popcorn in a spray can so if you have to make a whole in the ceiling and need to patch it up.

  11. Oh Ange, this looks stunning! I am looking at doing my dining room a deep dark color with a metallic stencil from CE and this has convinced me the dark wall is the direction to go in. So much impact. Looks great with pillows on the bed and the bedframe.

  12. Oh Ange, you are too funny with those light pictures!!
    LOVE your stenciled wall, I just received a stencil from Cutting Edge and I'm 99% sure we're going to use it on the wall behind our bed too. I also really like how your brass bed pops against the all color and pattern. Such a pretty combo!

  13. Your depression era lighting is awesome! : ) I do have a solution for you – I had the same problem in my living room turned dining room now turned library. I hung a candelabra from the ceiling – no electric, just candles. For more lighting I used a floor lamp and table lamps. Here is a link if you want to see my candelabra:

    I love that stencil in your bedroom!! Not sure if I could talk my hubby into doing something like that. Looks very time consuming but I love the result!!

    Lori : )
    Thrifty Decor Mom

  14. Gorgeous! And I couldn't believe it only took 3 hours! It looks like more than 3 hours! Woo Hoo! You just might make a fashion statement with the depression era lighting. I'm kinda liking it. LOL

  15. Wowza! Your stenciled wall is gorgeous! It completely changes the look of your room. Your beautiful brass bed looks great against your newly stenciled wall!

  16. I LOVE the wall. Love. The nightstands definitely need to be white. Maybe with a little destressing? If you can't convince him, would he notice? I know that my husband often doesn't notice big obvious changes like the time I went from blonde to brunette. 😉 As for the lighting and popcorn cieling I vote for scraping the ceiling, makes such a huge difference. Of course I'm not the one who will have a sore neck and mess to clean up afterward so my vote may be squat. If you paint the cord the same as your wall and have a fun fixture it may hold you over until the electrician comes.

  17. Seriously?! Oh MY GOODNESS! That stencil is crazy good! WOW!!!! I am so impressed you got help with it too! BTW, I really was laughing out loud while reading this post and seeing your photos! One of the reasons I love you…your sense of humor! So much fun this post!

  18. The light, the stud, the bedroom wall are all fantastic! One other thing I noticed in the cute baby photo— a federal convex mirror—bring that to Haven with you—and give it to me 🙂 Have a great weekend.

  19. Scrape your ceilings! We scraped my brother's house whole upstairs in about 2 hours. Just wet it down and it comes right off! Sooo worth it! But if you don't want to, you can buy some spray on texture stuff at Home Depot or Lowes.

  20. You've given me so much inspiration with this space. I won a stencil from Cutting Edge a few weeks ago and still need to send them my choice. Ive been debating which one to choose(a terrible problem to have, I know).
    Originally I was going to get one for our master bathroom reno but we decided against that since we'll need to paint(instead of tile) the floor. Hubbys next comment to me was :why dont we get a stencil for our bedroom?" Well, OK honey!
    Our home was built in 1860 so Im constantly trying to make it OUR home instead of an era victorian home. Thats a tough balancing act sometimes:)

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