A few short (6) weeks ago, I decided to participate in the One Room Challenge Link Up hosted by Linda from Calling it Home. Our bedroom has been a little sad ever since I painted over the stenciled and navy walls which were really fun and I loved them but I struggled to make it work for us […]
Continue ReadingMaster Bedroom Progress Week 3
Well, this week has minimal progress and it was already done two weeks ago because we are on vacation this week! So I’m losing out on a week of getting stuff done but I did find a pillow on vacation so that counts for something, right? Here’s a refresher of where we are headed with our bedroom. […]
Continue ReadingSexy Master Bedroom Challenge Week 2
Minimal progress was made in the sexifying of the master bedroom although the paint has done wonders for this room already and makes me super happy every time I walk in the room! I’ve been pretty neutral in my color choices for the past few years in this house and I do love having a […]
Continue ReadingSexy Master Bedroom Week 1
It’s time! Head over to say Hi to Linda at Calling it Home and link up your one room for the 6 week challenge. If you are unfamiliar with the ORC, 20 bloggers have 6 weeks to redo a room from the beginning to the end. It’s pretty awesome and now it is open for anyone […]
Continue ReadingMaster Bedroom Take 3654
Last week I blogged about the powder room and how I was planning on tackling it for the One Room Challenge Link Up. Well, I’ve since changed my mind as I am often doing. And it seems like every fall I feel a need to change my master bedroom. So instead of tackling the powder […]
Continue ReadingRinging in Spring Home Tour
I’m so excited to be part of this amazing group of bloggers who are throwing open their doors and showing off how they add spring to their homes! Thank you to Vidya at Whats Ur Home Story for this great tour! If you haven’t been over to check out her blog yet, I suggest you […]
Continue ReadingMaster Bedroom – Progress
I’m back! I will post more on my little blogging hiatus later. Today my bedroom was featured over on Benjamin Moore’s Facebook Page. The comments were not very kind but that’s ok, I like my bedroom and so does my husband. Plus it did receive way more likes than negative comments and was shared 60 […]
Continue ReadingReader Inspired Stenciled Wall and a Cutting Edge Stencils Giveaway
Is anyone else feeling really behind on life right now thanks to the gorgeous weather? Trips to the park, zoo, picnics, hiking, bike riding, making giant ice cream cones with chalk on the sidewalk with neighborhood kids, having friends over to grill out, first campfire of the year, buying sandals for 4 children and […]
Continue ReadingHelp Me Pick a Side Table, Any Side Table
The Master Bedroom is coming along, slow and steady. Last week I stopped into a furniture consignment shop and found this green leather chair for $42. I liked the look of her and as seems to be my way, she was a single gal, no partner for her. The end of our bed is in […]
Continue ReadingMaster Bedroom Update (again) Painted Nightstands
One day this room will be complete and the title will read Master Bedroom Complete! You won’t even know what to do with yourself because this room has been progressing since November. Really I’m so close to being done, I just need some artwork and to figure out a bedskirt. The last update from a […]
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