Valentine’s Day is fast approaching and what are you giving your man this year? How about a respect card? You can either purchase a blank card or make a card yourself. Inside you will tell him how much you appreciate his providing for you/your family, acknowledge that he’s a hard worker, a good father, a good husband, your so thankful for his protection, maybe if he’s a Godly leader in your home, his listening ear and yes, even his advice.
Sign it, with all my respect and then your name. My husband has his respect card in his sock drawer and still reads it from time to time. 🙂
This idea comes from Dr. Emerson Eggerichs founder of Love and Respect Ministries.
My husband and I first heard about Love and Respect 7.5 years ago when we were asked to join a small group that would be watching some marriage videos. Of course I was very excited to go but I had to practically drag my husband there, for some reason guys don’t like to talk about their marriage or feelings with other people. Of course us girls love nothing better, right?
What we learned in these videos was life changing for our marriage. We had a good marriage before but this took it to the next level. My husband loved it because it finally put a voice to what he had been trying to tell me but couldn’t put into words, he didn’t feel respected. I finally understood what he’d been trying to tell me! There are also some great things the guys learn about women too!
Since then, we have introduced many other couples to Love & Respect. We even hosted a Love & Respect Marriage Conference last year and will be hosting one again this year. I mentioned the conference to a woman at my daughter’s preschool and these videos ended up saving their marriage. They had already filed for divorce but one year later, after watching the Love & Respect Videos, they are quite the happy couple! These videos are for those who are on the brink of divorce but also for those who have a great marriage. If you have the chance, watch these videos, you won’t be disappointed!
So start working on your respect card or letter, your husband will be so glad you did!!!! (And this is not my husband and I in the picture above.)
I am also linking up at:

Ordinary Inspirations for the 14 day Love Dare Challenge!

What a great idea Ange, I really wanted something I could show to my hubby that I love him dearly and didn't know what to do and now you've given me a great idea. Thanks!
Thanks for joining Ange! Praying for you!
Traci @ Ordinary Inspirations
Glad that I posted it and I'm sure he'll love it!!! 🙂
We did a series on this at our church…it was fantastic!
We did this series in our community group at church and just loved it! That is so awesome about that couple reconciling and I am so glad that you shared this at our Sister Saturday Valentine party! 🙂