The winner of the Stella & Dot gift certificate is Rae Pavey! Congrats Rae! Thanks to all who entered to win. Please head over to my friend Suzi’s facebook page and give her some more love! I’ll be back tomorrow with an announcement!
Continue ReadingAnother fun Giveaway, Stella & Dot!
The winner of the Target gift card is Rebecca Porter, Congrats Rebecca and have fun shopping! Thank you to all who entered. Today we have another great giveaway, a $35 gift certificate to Stella & Dot! If you have never heard of Stella & Dot, you are in for a treat. They have amazing […]
Continue Reading1,000 FB Likes + Big Thanks = Fun Giveaways!
Hey, Hey, Hey! How are you all? The weather has been super dee duper yucky around here lately, 30,s & 40’s for temps and lots of rain, slush, sleet and even snow which hasn’t been very motivating to me. I was hoping by posting about my plans for our back deck and calling it the […]
Continue ReadingSpring Clean Your Calender with Cozi and a chance to win!
Doesn’t it feel great when you take something that is a constant nag, and tidy it up nice and neat? Like the kitchen drawer where the scissors are, the hall closet, or the crates by the back door that are supposed to organize the kids’ gear – when these things are all cleaned up and […]
Continue ReadingCutting Edge Stencil Winner
Time to announce the winner of the Cutting Edge Stencil. Using the winner is Sarah C. Congratulations Sarah, I will email you. If you enjoyed this giveaway, you’ll want to stay tuned as the One Year Blogiversary of The Blooming Hydrangea is next week and I will have a few giveaways to celebrate! […]
Continue ReadingReader Inspired Stenciled Wall and a Cutting Edge Stencils Giveaway
Is anyone else feeling really behind on life right now thanks to the gorgeous weather? Trips to the park, zoo, picnics, hiking, bike riding, making giant ice cream cones with chalk on the sidewalk with neighborhood kids, having friends over to grill out, first campfire of the year, buying sandals for 4 children and […]
Continue ReadingSimply Spray Winner, a Favor and Blogger Meet Up
It’s time to announce the winner of the Simply Spray Giveaway. Using the winner is: Brittany who said: wow such a fun and cute idea!! and you do not look pregnant at all! 🙂Congratulations Brittany and I will be contacting you via e-mail today. Now, I have a favor to ask of you. A […]
Continue ReadingBirthday Party Apron Making Fun and a Giveaway
You may not know this but I do not like having birthday parties at our home. I much prefer to have the kids involved with something like swimming, bowling, skating or ceramics so there is not time for drama. My oldest daughter’s third grade birthday party scarred me for life and I swore off home […]
Continue ReadingWinner of the ElemenOPillow Cover GIveaway
Good Morning friends! Sorry I’m a little late getting the winner announced today, it’s one of those running behind kind of days. Although it’s my own fault for playing around with the mantle and Christmas decorations instead of getting ready for the day. Using the winner is: Michelle from Decor and The Dog: Loyal […]
Continue ReadingWinner of the Cupcake Whimsical Frames
Good morning peepsies! I was a bit ill yesterday and for some reason I thought today was Wednesday. Well it turns out it is actually Thursday and I am supposed to be announcing the winner of these cute frames! Using the winner is #14! Ryanac#32: I would hang them on the tree for Christmas […]
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