It’s time to announce the winner of the Simply Spray Giveaway. Using the winner is:
Brittany who said: wow such a fun and cute idea!! and you do not look pregnant at all! 🙂
Congratulations Brittany and I will be contacting you via e-mail today.
Now, I have a favor to ask of you. A few weeks ago I posted a survey and asked you to help me out by taking five minutes to answer a few questions about this blog. I have had 15 awesome people respond so far but I would really LOVE to hear from a few more of you. According to the statistics of my blog, I have 236 GFC readers, 373 feedburner readers and another 209 who like me on fb for a general total of 800 followers/readers.. Now I know that not everyone of those 800 people read this blog and some may like me on fb as well as follow my blog as well. For the sake of repeats let’s just say I have a total of 500 readers of this blog. Out of 500 people, 15 answered my survey which is 3%. I was figuring I would maybe get 10% but not 3%!
I know some people don’t like taking surveys and that’s cool, I get that. But I would really love to hear from some more of my readers about why they come here, what method they use to follow this blog, how often they visit. and what kind of content they would like to see more of at The Blooming Hydrangea. So if you wouldn’t mind, please take a few minutes and fill out this super quick, multiple choice, anonymous survey for me. Just click here and you will be taken right to the survey.
I also want to mention that I am in the process of working with another blogger to coordinate a blogger meet up in the Minneapolis area at the end of February! If you near the Minneapolis area or even if you don’t mind driving a few hours to come, we’d love to have you! Shoot me an email at or comment below if you are interested in coming. Also if you know of anyone who might be a blogger in the Chicago area, I have a friend looking to meet some bloggers from that area.
Have you ever been to a blogger meet up? Would you consider going to a blogger meet up if there was one in your area? I’d love for you to share with me your thoughts and experiences about blogger meet ups, I am curious what you think!

hmmm the link is not working for me.
It is working now, thank you so much for letting me know!
The meet up sounds like fun. I would LOVE to go to a blogger meet up. It would be fabulous to meet other ladies in real life who also have the passion of home decorating, blogging, etc. Let me know if you ever hear of one in Ohio or Indiana 🙂
Ange, embed the survey into this post and you might have more response. Just a thought. There is an option to do this on survey monkey. Also, yesterday when I tried to look at the questions you used on your survey I could not open it up. That may be another reason why you've had low participation. I've had a total of 12 people fill out my survey since I posted it yesterday. So you still have more than me…just looking at the bright side! 😉 What's this about being pregnant? Are you? If so I can't believe I missed that post! {Shame on me!}