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Hi! Here we are, with the new blog design! Thank you so much to Elizabeth at The Mustard Ceiling for the blog design and transfer to WP! She did an amazing job and I love love love my new design! I am still working on transfering things over and making the pages so bear with me as we get everything moved over and the kinks worked out! I’d love to hear what you think of the new design.
Love your new site design! Let’s pick each others brains on our new move to WordPress (if I ever get moved over)!! Good luck!
Thank you Kelly! I will be glad to pick your brain! Good luck, you will be over here before you know it!
The new design looks great Ange!
Thank you Suzy!
Okay, this is just BEAUTIFUL. For REAL. I looove it Ange! Yay for the successful switchover!
Thank you Kelly! It was all Elizabeth, she does amazing work! Glad to be switched over now it’s the learning curve of figuring this all out.
Wow, it looks gorgeous! You must be thrilled with your stunning new bloggy home. Congratulations!
Best wishes,
Natasha In Oz.
The new look is cute, but I wonder why your blog has quit showing up in my reader (Google)? I used to be able to read you from the reader but today I have to click on over to the blog itself. This is not a good thing.
I don’t know much about blogs but I’m sure there are other good reasons for making the switch. I hope you don’t lose followers because of the reader issue!
It looks fabulous, I always love Elizabeth’s designs. It’s so fresh and clean and looks just like you!
Looks great! I know how hard it is to switch over and keep all subscribers and so on. It was over my head and I hired people. Kudos to you!!
Yay Ange! I’m so happy you went with this design and that you love it, I think it is just the right match for you. Kudos to you and Alex for switching everything over seamlessly, you did a great job. I enjoyed working with you two :).
Love the look, I’m not far behind you!
Absolutely LOVE the layout and the colors! I’m seeing many of my fav. blogs leave Blogger for WordPress. I am always curious about the pros and cons. 🙂
I was a GFC follower. Now a RSS follower. I’ll add myself to Linky too.
Looks beautiful Ange!
I’m dying,, d.y.i.n.g. over how beautiful and professional and lovely and cheerful and perfect your new design is, Ange!! Love it!! Awesome job, Elizabeth!!
It looks amazing!! I love the new look. I’m curios to know how the move went.
Looks beautiful Ange!
GORGEOUS, lady! I’ve already put Elizabeth on notice as I’m ready to do a design change up as well. Your new home is fabulous, I feel like I should take my shoes off. 😉