Welcome to the Blooming Hydrangea

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Welcome and thanks for joining me at The Blooming Hydrangea! If you are joining me from my previous blog Love From My Kitchen, some things will look familiar to you and of course, some things are brand new. If this is your first time here, I’m glad you stopped by! Take a peak at some of my feature rooms, maybe check out the recipes and just have a look around. I hope you’ll come back often and maybe even bring a friend or two with you! There will be some great giveaways starting on Sunday so be on the lookout for those because who doesn’t love a giveaway?
At my new blog you will also find new recipes, a monthly Blooming Blog link up party, a featured Blooming Blogger each month and also a new feature called Love & Life. So I hope you’ll stop back and see what’s happening at The Blooming Hydrangea!

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18 thoughts on “Welcome to the Blooming Hydrangea

  1. Oh Ange, I absolutely LOVE the new design, the new name, the new color scheme and your plans for things to come! I also love how you have your name in a different color on your blog header. I will for sure link up to your Blooming Blog party. Congratulations on a wonderful new blog!!!

  2. Yeah!! It's official the Blooming Hydrangea has..bloomed! 😉 I think this is going to be so fabulous Ange. Proud of you for taking a leap of faith and starting this new endeavor. At The Picket Fence will be following your journey!

    Blessings to your friend!

    Heather and Vanessa

  3. I completely love your new blog and look how very creative you were with your name within the name of your blog!
    I love the colors and the design, kudos to you for picking something new that works well, and of course I'll be following you.

  4. Ange, I LOVE your blog. You'll do great because you are so talented. (Don't enter me into any of your giveaways! I consider you my sister…so, we are like family!) I will leave you comments because I like you…not because I want anything. Go, Ange!!

    Good luck to the winner!

  5. What a great name you've chosen! It looks great and I love the colors too. Looking forward to following along with you and sharing ideas!!

  6. What a clever name! I saw your playroom make-over featured in a couple of places! Nice job! I'm gonna follow just to see where you're gonna go! 🙂

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