Today I’m going to share A few of my favorite things this Christmas season and you should.
I just went to Bath & Body Works, used a coupon and managed to buy 12 foaming hand soaps for $30. I love them and they are my splurge, yes, I choose to splurge on soap that gets washed down the drain. I used to use the cheap soap from Target with a refill jug for $4.50 but I hated the way my hands smelled after washing them and the foaming soap just seems more fun to wash your hands with.
Two of my very favorite Holiday scents right now are Ribbon Candy and Iced Gingerbread. Yummy smells that you can only get once a year, check. Clean hands that feel good, check. Use a coupon and get them for around $2.50 a piece so you feel good about not spending a lot on soap, check.
I am not a coffee drinker, if you know me at all, you know that I have enough energy I don’t need a kick start to my day. Also caffeine kicks up my anxiety and you will find me in a corner, rocking and sucking my thumb. I do love flavored hot chocolate though and this one, is my favorite, Land O Lakes Amaretto! It’s hard to find but if you find it, hoard it! That’s what I do, I buy like 10 at a time, they are about .50 cents a packet so really you are getting 10 hot chocolates for the price of maybe one Starbucks hot chocolate. If you get a small one maybe you could buy one and a half from them, maybe.
To make it even better, I have now started adding some whipped cream on top, caramel topping drizzled on top of the whipped cream and then sprinkle some sea salt on for the final WOWZA! Oh yummyness in a cup, how I love you! If you aren’t a big Amaretto fan they have other great flavors like Hazelnut, Caramel, Raspberry, Mint, Artic White and Irish Cream to name a few.
Finally, my hubby and I have recently discovered the tv series Parenthood on netflix. We are not tv people much but we do like to watch tv sometimes. This is the perfect series for us, we laugh because sometimes we so relate to what’s going on.
Have you watched this show? Don’t tell me what’s happening, we are only halfway through season 2!
Ok I am editing this post because how could I forget about one of my very favorite things that I use whenever we watch an episode of Parenthood!
This little lovely makes popcorn kernels turn into popcorn in the microwave. Add some kernels, no oil or butter needed, place the lid on the container, put it in the microwave, hit the popcorn button and in a few minutes enjoy fresh popped popcorn without gross fake butter all over it. I of course add my own butter and lots of it but that’s the beauty of this baby! No messy pan full of oil on the stove, shaking the pan vigorously for 10 minutes while it pops. I found my bowl at Target in the chip aisle, right where the popcorn kernels are. It was only $8 in the store, it’s $12.99 online but I think that is still a deal! What a great Christmas gift to give with some kernels, maybe a movie and a fun beverage like root beer!
So that’s it, my favorite thins right now, this moment! I love them and I’m sure you will too, really! What are your favorite things right now? Tell me, talk to me, I want to know!
Linking up here:
and The Nesters Favorite Things Party

I am with you on PARENTHOOD. Best show on TV! I also love those soap sleeves. Great stocking stuffer!
I'm sitting here with my cup of coffee right now and thinking that I hope I don't end up rocking and sucking my thumb soon! LOL! Love all of your favorite things Ange! 🙂
how fantastic does your hot chocolate combo sound?!! i made some last night with some hot water and just a plain packet and it was missing something….but now i know how to make it even better.
Okay I gotta make a trip to Bath and Body Works to check out those sleeves. I think my MIL would love them and I need some stocking stuffers! Found you via youaretalkingtoomuch on FB and am now following!
I am drinking boring instant hot chocolate as I read this and wish I had made it fancy like yours! Also, LOVE parenthood 🙂
Need to get me some soap, love them too!! I'm still working on some Fall scents, but they are almost gone…..and Parenthood, I love that show. I watched it last night, it makes me cry, laugh, and I so can relate.
I've been wondering about you and how you are doing. Hope you are feeling better soon 🙂
love each of these and now i'm craving hot chocolate!
I can totally relate tp your favorite things list! First of all, Parenthood is my favorite show too! Love it!!! :O) I also love B&B,the soaps are awesome. I'm not a coffee drinker either, so I guess I should give your hot chocolate recipe a try! Susan @
Oh you are so lucky that you have so much parenthood in front of you. One of the few shows I look forward to each week. And I'm kinda crazy about those soap sleeves.
this is so weird but several blogs i recently started following are not showing up in my reader…. but i checked and i still show up as a follower. ugh! sorry i have missed so much!
that amaretto cocoa looks awesome!
was wondering where the MIL was getting the soap sleeves form!! thanks!
I LOVE those hot chocolates too!!! 🙂 Yum! Now I'm craving some! Ha!
So nice to 'meet' you today! I blog at "Only A Breath" and would love for you to stop by and visit 🙂
Love the popcorn maker and your other favorite things! Visiting from 320 Sycamore! Merry Christmas!
The soap sleeves are adorable. I also choose to splurge on Bath and Body Works hand soaps, but I did it in June. Might have to sneak back in there. Thanks for sharing and Merry Christmas!
You have to live a little and if yummy soaps make you happy, I say go for it! I love yummy smelling stuff too. Parenthood is a fun show. I need to catch up on Netflix as well. Maybe over the holiday break I will watch it. New follower. I'd love if you'd like to follow me.
🙂 Kerstin
I am looking for that bowl at Target~thank you for the great tip! Merry Christmas~
I am a popcorn junkie… we have a local shop used by many Hollywood studios (because of their rare non-electrical items for historic movies) that carries the most amazing stove poppers and an enormous assortment of popcorn! Ladyfinger, blue kernel, spice, etc… 🙂 I must own this bowl, thanks for the heads up!!!
Oh, I love Parenthood! Although, I have to admit, I sometimes get annoyed with Sarah (which is weird because I loved her on Gilmore Girls). Could she really make any worse decisions? She just kind of does herself in so often! Those soap sleeves are amazing, had no idea they sold them!
I haven't seen Parenthood yet. Modern Family is one of our favorite shows. Love Cameron!! The way you make your hot chocolate sounds delicious- everything tastes better with sea salt! LOL!
I love parenthood! I put it on my favorite things list last year. That show makes me laugh and cry every stinkin' episode! Thank you for sharing your favorites, I enjoyed your post. Liz
Loving that popcorn bowl. We used to have something similar when I was a kid. I am a popcorn fanatic but hate the gross, fake butter stuff.
Oooooo–I want some of your hot chocolate! I either have or love all of your favorites–kismet :). I think I'll have to follow you now… Thanks for stopping by and reading my favorites list. I hope you like the Burt's Bees hand cream–it is delish :). I think those soap sleeves are a great compromise, because I love the b&bw soaps, but they sometimes seem a little too plastic-y or something. And I have had a similar popcorn bowl for about five years–love it. As for Parenthood, I'll have to check it out. I like laughing at other people's parenting–it's harder to laugh at my own :). Thanks for sharing!