Thrift Store Score!

Posted On By ange
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Last week I posted some pics of the family room. The one thing that this room is missing is lighting. Ok, it has lighting but I am talking about lighting that doesn’t look like giant adjustable eyeballs in the ceiling.

The lamps are kind of sparse in our house right now, there are two in our master bedroom which used to reside in the family room.  If you remember, I found these lovelies at Savers, they ended up getting a spray paint job and new lampshades that were Target clearance finds.
The other pair of lamps in our home are from Target and were on clearance, of course!  They have been in the master bedroom and now currently reside on the blue console/buffet/dresser in the Living Room turned Dining Room.  The black lamps are on the smaller side but they work well right now for us as there is no other lighting in that room which we’ll discuss in another blog post.
How convenient that both sets of lamps are in this one picture.

The hunt for lamps has been ongoing for the past few months but I’ve not found anything that tripped my trigger.  That is until today!  Today at Savers I found this beauty all by herself.   I was really hoping she had a mate but maybe she’s recently divorced or perhaps she was always a single gal, I guess I will never know.

    I think I have found the perfect spot for her, what do you think?

 Only $4.99 and it’s not something you can find at Target or Pottery Barn plus I don’t have to paint it or do anything, she’s perfect the way she is.  Have you found any thrift store beauties lately?

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14 thoughts on “Thrift Store Score!

  1. What a find girl!!! She is just lovely in all of her single beauty and looks perfect in that room! 🙂

  2. that is awesome! i have the smaller version- an estate sale find that the lady gave me. it works but there is no shade support so i need to do that one of these days!

  3. Great find! I woulda snagged her too! I'm so jealous – I've been looking for MONTHS for lamps and would've settled for something half that good for $5!

  4. Love the lamp! Great score. I am an avid thrifter and one of my favorite thing to happen upon in a thrift store is a unique lamp. Yours is perfect.

  5. I have the mate to your lamp! I too found mine at a thrift store, but for $25. You got a steal. Did you make your drapes? Would love to know the name of the fabric.

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