The Laundry Room (again)

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If you follow me on fb or instagram then you already know that I repainted the laundry room in January.  In August last year I had enough of the beige turd look and I was just ready for a laundry room that was clean and pretty, you can see the original post here.  I mean if I’m going to be washing undies, at least walls don’t need to match if you know what I mean.   So I found the striped rug at Target and used it for my inspiration in the laundry room.  It was definitely brighter and cleaner than the before.

  I reached the breaking point of the frolic paint color a few weeks ago and decided if I didn’t love it and in fact if I hated it, it was time to repaint.  Waiting 6 months before repainting made me feel better about spending $32 on a can of paint.  I spur of the moment chose Sea Salt by Sherwin Williams while at the store.  I should know better, you don’t randomly pick a paint color in the store but I did.  As you can guess, it wasn’t my finest choice, the walls were rather minty looking.  If you stood out in the mudroom area it didn’t look as bad but once you were in the room it had a greenish hue to it.  I was trying to eliminate the green and go for a softer look but this was too soft.

Being the cheap skate that I am, I refused to buy another gallon of paint when I still had 3/4 of a can of paint that I could use.  So I went down to my own little paint store in the basement and found some turquoise colors to mix in, mainly Galapagos Turquoise from the cloffice.  Worst case scenario, I buy another gallon of paint, best case scenario, I mix up something I like and save myself $32.  After playing around with the color some, I achieved a mix I was happy with and tested it out on the wall.

After testing a wall I decided it was pretty and so I finished the room off with my new, made by me paint color and of course it’s blue.

laundry room blue

Here’s the laundry collage of colors for the grand finale in this post!


                                                                                                Followed by IRL shot aka In Real Life shot.

For those of you wondering why my laundry room looks uncluttered, I don’t have a laundry sorter in my laundry room because I just take the individual kid’s hamper and throw it all in so there to be washed.  Then into the dryer and then into a laundry basket in their room to be put away.  It has simplified my laundry life and I love it!  I also have a basket on top of my washer for kitchen towels and rags to be washed which is really handy.  Another reason the laundry room stays relatively clean is that I’ve found new homes for all the stuff that was on the shelving and I started using the storage under the washer and dryer for my laundry supplies.

So, do you love your laundry room?   Have you ever mixed your own custom paint color?  Anyone want 2/3 a gallon of the green paint?

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14 thoughts on “The Laundry Room (again)

  1. Isn’t funny how we are drawn to certain colors? I’ve tried my fair share and tend to go with colors that have green and brown undertones. Of course a little yellow always shows up to. The beauty and power of paint it that is can quickly and easily transform a room. I’m not surprised you like BLUE. Your laundry room looks more like the “you” I see on your blog. Great decision to switch it up. Looks clean and fresh!

  2. I love the color! I think it makes the room look soft and clean! Our laundry room needs to be remodeled. Until I get to it, I will use the need for remodeling as an excuse to not keeping up with the laundry!

  3. Paint color is SOO hard. I cringed for you when I realized you painted this room as many times as you did…I have so many rooms in my house that I want to re-paint but I’m (1) too cheap to pay someone and (2) can’t seem to figure out how to paint a room ever since I had children! When do you get it done?!??!!?

    Your room looks great now, and it makes me want to get myself painting….I have a really hard time with greens looking minty so I’m loving the blue!!! Also, when can I start to make my children fold their own clothes…is three too young? 😉

    No lie, though…the last time I painted a room in my house, my mom came over to help me with my son and she brought her dog with. Her dog’s tail somehow dipped into the paint and then she sat there, staring at me, while her tail wagged furiously splashing blue paint everywhere!!!!! You just can’t make that stuff up……..

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