A few weeks ago I was getting prepared to order new LVP for our main floor and the staircase leading to the upstairs. I had finally mostly decided on which one I was going with and just needed to confirm the measurements. Four years ago, when we purchased this model home the one thing I hated the most was the color of the flooring. I had done some mockups on the costco flooring site and even painted the fireplace.
I was excited to see how the new floors would change the entire look of our home. Yet in the back of my mind, I had this doubt that it would actually happen. If only I had ordered the flooring two weeks ago.
A little over a week and a half ago, Jack our cavapoo started throwing up. He threw up some weird rolled up fabric looking thing and I was like what the heck is this? And then he threw up two more of the same thing. I saved them in papertowel and put them in a ziploc bag because I did not have a good feeling about this. He then proceeded to throw up a few more times some disgusting brown liquid all over my carpet that I was going to be replacing. I was on grandbaby duty that day, my husband was in the office, the kids were gone. So the brown puke could not be shampooed out of the carpet and had to sit for a while. By this point it is Thursday late afternoon. I decided to let him recover for the night and see how he was doing in the morning. He chased the cat that night with Winnie our doodle, seemed pretty fine and wasn’t acting sick. The next morning, he wouldn’t eat his breakfast and was laying low so I called our vet. They did an x-ray and sure enough, Jack had something still stuck in stomach. I brought them the bag of barfed up whatever and they took one look and said, it’s tampons. Awesome. They said he needs to go to surgery at the emergency vet today for pretty much the cost of our new LVP flooring. I knew it! Insert swear words. And a lot of conversations about how much you spend on a dog’s life, and they are part of your family but also that’s a lot of money but how do you just put your dog down when you could save their life?
Did I mention we were leaving Saturday morning for a one night getaway with all our kids and grandbaby? The only night that worked out for all of us? And then a few of us would continue on for a few days while a few came home because of work schedules. The timing of this was also just the worst.
To sum it all up, we decided to try fluids first at the recommendation of one emergency vet. That didn’t work. So now we spent more money and still need surgery. So we dropped Jack off for surgery Saturday morning. Thank goodness for amazing friends that helped us out with Jack. He came home late Saturday night and recovered here. By Sunday evening he wasn’t eating again and so on Monday he went back to the vet and eventually the emergency vet again for an overnight. We thought we were possibly going to end up losing our dog and then also be out thousands of dollars. It was a rollercoaster ride all weekend of emotions.
Tuesday morning, I made the phone call to see if we were going home to say goodbye to Jack or if he was going to come home with us to recover. Needless to say, I didn’t get a lot of sleep from Friday through Tuesday. Always waiting for the phone call to see what the plan was, if Jack was going to make it or if we needed to head to the vet. Thankfully he was doing great and so we drove home to help him recover. We ended up back at the vet 3 more times by that Friday and my vehicle wouldn’t start after one visit to the emergency vet, so I just laughed because isn’t that how it goes sometimes? And I know, it could be much worse but also sometimes it just feels like one thing after another. Thankfully, Jack’s finally on the upswing and my vehicle battery needed replacing and was still under warranty so that was awesome!
I’m not sure if pet insurance would have saved us a lot or not but I do regret not having it. So, if you don’t have pet insurance, maybe look into it. Our vet told us only about 10% of their clients have pet insurance. Jack is not a puppy, he’s five. He does love to eat napkins, tissues and crotches of our underwear. Gross, I know. We do have hampers but somehow he gets in there too. This dog is a houdini. All of our bathroom garbage’s have tight lids so I’m not even sure how he got into the garbage unless someone didn’t close the lid tightly or the garbage was overflowing.
So, here I am, embracing my flooring as I don’t know when new flooring will actually become a reality. I’m going to repaint the fireplace because I realized I don’t love the green. I like it sometimes but mostly I look at it and go, hmmm…..do I like it? If I did I wouldn’t be questioning it.
We had quite the week and isn’t that life? Thankfully, it could have been so much worse. We did get to go on our little getaway and we did have fun. Our dog is alive. We have a home, vehicles that may or may not be working, food in our pantry and clothes in our closet. But also, it sucks when you get that curveball thrown at you. Unexpected things happen, so here’s to embracing my dog, glad that he’s going to be ok and embracing the gray floors for a little while longer. Thank goodness for carpet shampooers, great friends and emergency vets.