The Blooming Hubs shares his thoughts on some Decor & Design

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My friend Jessamie at Bird & Branch Redesigns is hosting a link party today.  She posted some cool design pics and had her hubby comment on them and it turned out to be one of her favorite posts, you can read it here.   So Jessamie decided to let us have a turn at it with our handsome men as well.  I had a hard time picking pictures for this and I did pick a few on the crazier side of design just to see what he would say.  Some made me laugh and maybe you’ll enjoy a chuckle or two as well.  Take it away Blooming hubs!


OK, cool space here, save for the giant descending spider on the upper left – hello arachnophobia!! Big clock is definitely cool with all the checkers or small pebbles all around


…and here’s the spider web where the other spider above came from, how nice!  And a nice touch of broccoli or possibly asparagus in the foreground, I’m sure that comes in handy in the kitchen.  And that table (?) looks like something a magician would use to saw someone in half, but maybe that’s just me.  On the plus side, cool molding and nice stove!

Definitely getting a sense that creepy lighting is the theme of these pictures, now we’re going for a sea urchin look here or perhaps a Medusa tribute piece or something like that.  Wall, color, gold shelving, brown chairs, and a sweet rug, however almost make up for that weird piece above.

And here’s the bird cage, how nice.  The bird ate the spider that wiggled and wiggled and tickled inside her….is that how the song goes?  My other thought here, on the bird theme?  Looks like a giant cracked egg has landed here, with the yolk on top of the chair and the egg whites on that other…thing…there to the right.

At ease, pink poodle soldiers!  Feel like I just stepped out of an Austin Powers movie or something

And here’s their little friend, the rarely photographed white long-necked labrador.  But hey, some props on those couches and the cool boat in the corner

Ummmm….OK then.   First off, what’s with the posing toddler above the mantle?  Kinda weird.  Looks like the kind of picture you give to your grandma as a 2×3 wallet, not turn into a 80 x 120 gallery-ready centerpiece?  Things get a little awkward at the photo studio perhaps?  Now that I’ve recovered from that I can see nice archways, a pretty cool table and of course some HYDRANGEAS (that remind me of my bride!)

“Hey Grumpy!  We’ve been looking all over for you!”

So giant wall that is made to look like some sort of exotic flooring meets the baby incubator?  Or maybe they are hatching chicks in the crib perhaps?

Well, this one isn’t my style so much here, but at least I can respect this one, especially after the others that have come before.  I’m not big on mismatched chairs (or really anything not matching, just ask Ange) myself, and the big Roman pillar thing is cool, but just doesn’t fit in here.

“Excuse me – your drain is showing!”

But I do like this room though, very classy and stylish.  Is the running horse supposed to be something to remind you of running water?  Just curious.

Not bad other than the massive beehive hanging above the table.  And exactly what room in the house is this?  I can’t tell what the purpose is here of this space.

Hallelujah! Nothing to critique here, this space has nice soothing colors and a rug that reminds me for some reason of that chart you have when you pick out Jelly Belly jelly beans.  I could just hop in this picture for a nice siesta me thinks.

Kinda looks like a few walls and some random furniture (including some sort of  like hammock chair) were just strewn in the jungle out the window.  Is this some sort of Salvador Dali picture?  Where’s the melting clock?

And last but not least…hey hon, I don’t think you should have put our actual bedroom picture in this set of pictures! (Kidding)  So massive pelt of racoons meets  pink velour headboard with space-age lighting and Chevron flooring!  So nice to see a minimalistic style used so well here, wouldn’t you say?  More is definitely less here…

Thanks babe for being a sport and playing along today!  Props to the hubs for knowing what Chevron is!  He really must listen as I drone on and on about this kind of stuff.  I’m linking up at Bird & Branch Redesign, won’t you come join me and read what other men had to say about design and decor.  We might want to pee first or make sure you are sitting on a oilcloth covered chair first.

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25 thoughts on “The Blooming Hubs shares his thoughts on some Decor & Design

  1. wow- our husbands think alike. my husband was looking over my shoulder and saying so many of the same things!!!!! especially about that creepy toddler pic. and yay to the hubs for knowing chevron! i have reada couple others where the husband calls it charlie brown pattern. 🙂

  2. What is up with that toddler pic?!?!? You found some good pics and your husband’s responses gave me a chuckle this morning. My hubs is one of the guys who calls it a “Charlie brown” pattern, so I’m impressed with your hubs using the term “chevron.”

  3. LOL!! That was seriously hysterical and I am just super impressed that he knows what a chevron pattern is! My hubby probably would’ve called it “that pattern that looks like the front of Charlie Brown’s t-shirt”. 🙂 Tell the hubs we are super impressed with him!

    P.S. That posing toddler photo was super creepy!!

  4. Cute, cute. I wanted to participate, but with the hubs working late last night and all, it just wasn’t going to happen. Maybe another day! This all definitely reminds me of things he’d say.

  5. It’s so funny to hear about what our other halves think of design. I can’t lie, sometimes Josh has to bring me back to reality on a spider lamp or something of the sort.

    Xx. Patience

    P.S. the shelves in the 3rd pic look just like the ones we have been talking about. 🙂

  6. Bravo, once again to the blooming hubs! I just belly laughed out loud so much I think my hubby is a little jealous. {which is silly! lol} I agree with most of what he said, but the funniest one was the purple gnome…he called grumpy! Hilarious! You should totally do this again, Ange. Did you purposefully look for rooms that had strange stuff in them? Just curious. So funny!

  7. I know I’m a few days late to comment, but this is seriously so funny! What a fun thing to do together, too. Love it. My Hubs just agreed to do a similar post for me. Thanks for the great idea!

  8. Obviously missed this post somehow but oh my god, SO FUNNY! I love it, your hubby is a riot and it’s brilliant to know that I’m not the only one with an other half who really could give a crap whether something’s trendy or not, he just calls it like he sees it! I may definitely need to steal this idea if my other half will play along! (It may take some convincing)


  9. OMG, I am laughing so hard; the “Dali room” STILL serves as my inspiration for most of my house. Got the donut phone, striped rug, textures … still have the issue of Domino handy so I can check out the David Netto design for Ione Skye every so often. Maybe I’m stuck on it because the best compliment I ever received was when I was watching Say Anything and the guy I was watching it with said “You’re just like Diane Court and I feel like Lloyd Dobbler.” If only.

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