Seasons of Change

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Last August on almost the same date, I wrote a post called Walking. We were entering a new season with sending our oldest baby off to college and just trying to figure out what life was going to look like in many areas.

We are slowly standing up, testing out our legs, wobbling, taking a few unsteady steps, falling down and getting back up again. Eventually finding our groove and walking surefooted, looking back at how we weren’t sure about this but adjusting and eventually it becoming normal. That is of course, until the next season of change. Which will happen.

Somehow 2020 as a whole has felt like this, unsteady steps. Now here we are again, getting ready to send our oldest and now the second oldest off to college. During an overblown Pandemic but that’s a whole other blog post.

Since last August, my husband switched jobs after 20 years, we had a daughter graduate high school, sold our house, bought a house and moved to a new city, all during Covid madness.

So why not throw some more change into 2020? We have decided to pull our kids from public school and home school this year. With the flexibility in my hubby’s job working from home and the kids more than likely going to end up doing digital learning, we decided to take the bull by the horns. It’s going to be the year of adventure. After discussing it, we’ve decided to add some travel to the next year, get out of the Minnesota winter and spend some time in Arizona visiting my parents.

This is equal parts scary and thrilling for me. I have always wanted to try homeschooling but it never seemed the right time. Two kids being homeschooled seems less daunting than four kids. Friday field trips is already a list I am making. It will be fun to re-learn some things with my kids, let them dive a little deeper into things they are wanting to learn more about and help them grow in areas where they are struggling.

One of the concerns people have about homeschooling is the social aspects. I’ve been thinking about the possibility of having other kiddos come here while their parents have work calls and video meetings to do digital learning. It seems like a great way to help out friends and for the kids to hang out during the day. Especially during the winter when getting out outside and seeing friends is a little tougher.

Our son will hopefully be doing travel basketball and our daughter is back at her gym doing competitive cheer. We also have some friends about 20 minutes away that are also hopping on the homeschooling journey so it will be fun to school together sometimes too. And of course we will have youth group and church to plug into. Honestly, I don’t think the social aspect will be that hard for us.

With all the uncertainty this school year will bring, it seems like a fitting year to take the leap into homeschooling. I am so thankful we can do this and I know every parent out there is making the best choice they can for their child(ren). This is in no way throwing shade at anyone for your choice in schooling and I hope you will extend the same grace to us. Who knows, maybe we’ll hate it, maybe it will be a fail. But maybe we will love it and it will be a wild success. Only time will tell!

Anyone else taking the dive into homeschooling this year? Or do you have any advice for this rookie homeschooling mom?

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