2015 is almost over, as always the year seems to fly by and we always think the next few days,weeks or months won’t be so busy but they fill up somehow. In 2014 my word was deeper and it was a struggle for me overall, I felt lonely, lost and just really not sure what to do or even who I really was anymore, kind of a depressed yucky year for me even though nothing bad happened. If I had to classify 2015, I would say it was a pretty amazing year and this was the year of deeper! So maybe I needed that word for two years in a row? Not really sure but I went into 2015 without a word or verse, just not really sure what was to come for our family or myself.
God was faithful and just showed up all over the place this past year. From January through almost May, we struggled with moving to South Carolina or staying here in Minnesota. We went back to Greenville for Spring Break and found a house we loved. Our trip was cut short due to a death in our family so we headed to Michigan for one night for a funeral. We fasted and prayed during a 10 day Daniel fast in our church and after deciding to move, ended up staying here. Since then, we’ve grown to love our life here in Minnesota and have dug down deeper into the community and even embraced the winter.
I definitely grew through some of my anxieties which has been awesome, although I have plenty more to work through. For many people driving isn’t a big deal but for me, driving by myself more than 20 minutes away from my home causes anxiety and/or panic attacks. We have friends who live a little over an hour away and I was finally able to drive there all by myself in April to attend Junk Bonanza with my friend Jen and since that first trip, I’ve probably made at least 6 more trips up to the cities all by myself. I’m sure this next one is laughable because I can even laugh now but until recently I never went through a car wash all by myself. I HATED the car wash as a kid, I was so paranoid about getting stuck in there and not being able to get out. I have major claustrophobia so elevators and airplanes are things I don’t do, yet. God is working through my fears, it feels so good to finally have some victory over this area of my life! Glory to God!
Beyond that, we’ve taken a few wonderful trips this year and just had a ton of fun with friends and family, visiting and more visiting. I tried to capture some of the highlights of each month but there was a lot!
January – Ringing in the new Year with friends from Texas and Wisconsin staying up way too late playing hand and foot. My brother got married! Three family birthday celebrations, a trip to MOA with friends and of course the Downton Party.
Feb – Super Bowl Party. Friends visiting and I break my pinky toe, a trip to Wisconsin Dells and painting and staging my sister-in-laws house to sell. Family visits from Illinois. Started installing picture frame moulding in the entryway, stairway and hallway upstairs.
March – A surprise bedroom makeover for a client and the only month without visitors perhaps.
April – Trip to Greenville SC to check it out again, unfortunately a death in the family so stopped in Michigan for a funeral. Drove to the cities alone for the first time! Ripped out carpeting in the bedroom upstairs and installed laminate flooring.
May – Celebrated two birthdays in the family, had an awesome Mother’s day and my parents came for a visit along with more family for more birthday celebrations.
June – FLORIDA! Hit up Disneyworld and the beach. Also went to Wisconsin for a super quick visit. Joel learned to swim and ride his bike! Daddy coached t-ball with our neighbor.
July – Another funeral in Michigan. We somehow managed to get 4 night away without kids, spent the night with some friends playing games and then my brother’s wedding celebration! Stayed in a camper and spent time at the beach. Scraped popcorn ceiling and prepped our home for hardwood floor refinishing and installation.
Aug – Texas friends come to visit! And then more Texas friends come to visit. Oldest daughter is baptized and family comes to town! Alex played keys with the Vertical Church Band. The two middles were in a play. We spent a night up in the cities having fun before school starts. Painting the dining room and living room. Tennis starts for the oldest two girls.
Sept – We have a high schooler! Ange goes gluten free. Painted the dining room, again.
Oct – The master bathroom project starts, Sparkle conference for Ange, birthday for Ange, wedding for close family friends, football games, homecoming dance and Halloween.
Nov – Hearts at Home conference, trip to Wisconsin for another funeral which was so hard. A good friend moved to Virginia. Thanksgiving with family at our friends house, the master bathroom is done!
Dec – Quick visit to Wisconsin for roller skating and Mexcian, Rotary lights in LaCrosse twice – drive through and walk through with the neighbors, Surprise getaway with my hubby and the neighbors to the cities for Cirque de Soleil show and dinner, Grinch Party with the neighbors. Unexpected trip to Michigan for mother-in-laws surgery, spent Christmas day with my family and got to see friends and more family.
I am excited to see what 2016 brings to us! I’m not sure if I’ll have a word for 2016 or not but I am looking forward to a new year and feeling much better than I was a year ago at this time. Hope your 2015 was a wonderful year and that 2016 has amazing things in store for all of us! No matter what the next year holds, I pray that our hope will not be in a number or a word but in THE word made flesh, Jesus!
2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!
What a great year Ange! God prevailed through it all didn’t he? I know he has big plans for you in 2016. Love following your journey and can’t wait to see what’s in store 🙂 Happy New Year to you and your family
Thanks friend! He sure does and will prevail! Happy New Year to your family as well! Let’s chat soon!