Preparing for Christmas & the Dining Room

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A few weeks ago I posted our mantel and said I’d be back with the dining room all decked out.  Well, let’s just say the decking didn’t get done.  But I will share a few pics of the dining room because last year it was beige at Christmas which was nice but just not flowing with the gray in the kitchen.  So this year it’s a lovely shade of aqua blue that I have grown to like but I should have listened to my own advice below about the curtains regarding the painting.   I really need some curtains for this room but just haven’t found anything yet so I will keep waiting instead of rushing out to buy something because it feels naked.  I’m learning to wait for the right thing instead of trying to make something the right thing.

The color changes and it’s hard to capture the true look of it but this picture from earlier when we were still putting vents back up on the wall seems to be as close as I can get it on the camera.

I do love the blue color in there more than the beige and it looks great with the black french doors which are finally done!   Whew, those were quite the paint job, not sure I would tackle them again.

So while I didn’t get all the decorating done that I had hoped and I skipped sending out Christmas cards this year, there were many  more enjoyable moments that were much better than stressing over some decor and cards.   I enjoyed making batches of cookies with my children, giving gifts to a family in need, helping my children chose and then shop for the charity of their choosing, listening to Christmas music while hanging out as a family, watching our favorite Christmas movies and even adding in some new ones.    Can you believe my husband and I had never seen A Miracle on 34th Street?  The kids also love when we turn on the fireplace and plug in the tree lights, it makes it nice and cozy!

 Spending time with my children and making memories to last a lifetime, that was definitely a better way to prepare for Christmas then stressing over how my home looks.  In fact, I realized I should be taking more time to look at how my heart is looking for Christmas, how am I preparing for the Savior’s birth?  If you haven’t had a chance yet, take some time and reflect on what really matters this season.  A beautifully decorated is really nice and something we all enjoy but even better is a beautifully reflected heart.

The next few weeks are going to be busy around here with Christmas, New Years, birthdays and more.  My mom and dad will also be with us as my mom is having heart surgery the day after Christmas.  Please keep her in your prayers!  I will update on my fb page.

Thank you for reading my blog, I know it’s not always consistent but I do appreciate when you stop by and leave a comment.  I also have some exciting news coming in January, we’ll be taking a little detour from the home decor portion of the blog and instead talking about motherhood and perfection.  Stay tuned!!!!

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4 thoughts on “Preparing for Christmas & the Dining Room

  1. How wonderful that you’ve been focusing on family this Christmas! What could be more important? Wishing you and wonderful rest of the season my friend!

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