if you haven’t checked out Pinterest yet, I highly suggest you do. I haven’t figured it all out yet but so far it’s been fun pinning things. I have some invites left so if you want one, please let me know and I’ll gladly send it to you. You can find me on pinterest under my email with google – ange@thebloominghydrangea.com. I would love to follow you as well so if you are on there, let me know!
In other random news, my little bubs has shingles. Of course we are traveling this weekend because we have two weddings and one of them happens to be my mother in law’s so we have to go. He hasn’t complained too much but once in a while he tells me his arm is tickle as he calls it. He has also started scratching it. It’s really ugly looking, I took a few pictures yesterday but it looks much worse today and has spread.
I know it’s uncommon for children to have shingles but when the bubs was a baby he actually ended up with the chicken pox at three weeks old. My youngest daughter actually had shingles at the time and that’s how he ended up with chicken pox. Crazy I know! Thankfully they never bothered her and they don’t seem to bother him much either. I’ve heard that they are quite painful!
In other random news, we are going to go look at some goldendoodle puppies today. I know, we are crazy! With a nice big fenced in backyard I don’t think it will be too bad at the new house. The girls have been begging for a big dog because our schnauzer isn’t very playful or fun which is true, she’s seven years old and would rather sleep than play fetch. So we will see how that turns out. Like we don’t have enough going on with moving, lets add a puppy to the mix! Lol! In case you don’t know us, this is completely normal for our family to be somewhat chaotic and spur of the moment. I’m sure I’ll have some cute puppy pictures to post later even if we don’t end up taking one home!
Finally, nine years ago today, our second daughter was born! It’s so wonderful to see the beautiful girl she is growing into and how much she’s changed over the last year! Happy Birthday E!!!!
I hope you all have a beautiful Friday, I know we will!

Poor baby….hope he gets better!
I'm on there. Here's my link:
I couldn't find yours 🙁
Becky B.
Organizing Made Fun
Becky, here is my link: http://pinterest.com/bloominghydrang/
I found you! 🙂
Ange- We had met a couple of times at the Y play time. I finally found your blog and love it! Where are you going to look at the goldendoodle? We have been looking for one! iS somewhere near home?
My step son has shingles, never fun. Hope he feels better soon! A puppy? Aw…my kids and I are going to get a cat after vacay! Can't wait. 🙂 Happy B day to E!!! I am gonna go find you on Pinterest now. 🙂 Have a great weekend! Chris