That’s about what we accomplished this past week. I had high hopes that we would have the shiplap on the fireplace by Saturday night and the cabinet doors all sprayed and drying in the garage.
Instead my hubby had to cut a new hole in the siding, move the venting for the fireplace up and rearrange the siding to cover the existing hole. And the only pics I have are from insta. Look at that ladder positioning, Safety first friends. You learned it here.

Because he’s pretty much a DIY dream, he did it all on Friday night, like no big deal. And it looks great! Can’t even tell it was moved.

Thankfully our neighbor used to install HVAC so he came over Saturday and helped the handsome hubby hook up the fireplace venting. We had called to get estimates on this and it was going to be $800-$1000. Um, thanks we’ll just do it ourselves. The connections are all sealed and everything is working as it should. No carbon monoxide worries here.

Alex finished installing the drywall on the new fireplace wall so now it’s ready to be finished.
I also came home to a surprise Saturday, he took the cabinet down over the peninsula! I am so excited, it really opened up the feel of the kitchen. And those wires sticking out of the wall feel super safe. Again, Safety first my friends. I am hoping we can get shelving installed here.

While they were busy doing that, I was in the garage getting ready to spray the kitchen cabinet doors. I decided to start with the white uppers. I set up a spray tent in the garage with a rope and a clothes hanger. This time I switched up my cabinet paint and tried the Emerald Urethane by Sherwin Williams. I am already in love with the coverage, the leveling and the finish! It’s so good!

This setup worked really slick and spraying was so easy! Once the white was done I decided to buy another spray tent for the gray and get going on those doors. Then the sprayer decided it wanted to enjoy the beautiful weather so it quit working.

So after a frustrating Saturday I really feel like my accomplishments of the past week were about nil. One coat of paint on cabinets and drywall on the fireplace when I was hoping for all cabinet door/drawers sprayed and the fireplace shiplapped and ready for the tile.
If you follow me on insta you know that I had a poll running on what to do with the fireplace. I thought we would use this ledger tile halfway up, a wood mantel and then shiplap the rest.

Well we went and purchased all the ledger tile we would need at Lowes. Then we even went to find tile for in front of the fireplace on the floor. There was some great stuff going on design wise.

I really liked the ledger stone but something was just not sitting right with me. I think I just couldn’t get the ledger stone to jive with my kitchen. Seeing as they are a shared space, I really needed more flow.

So Tuesday night found us roaming the tile aisles at Home Depot. We finally decided on this design for the fireplace. Let’s hope it jives with the carpet we picked out now. The new plan is more shiplap and just some tile.

While I had high hopes of getting a lot accomplished this past week, we didn’t. We still have A LOT to get done. And maybe we could be like, oh well, if we don’t finish the ORC no big deal. BUT we have a graduation party here in approximately 4 weeks. HOLY CRAP! And travel baseball starts soon, prom, cheerleading, all the end of the year school stuff, you know nothing much going on around here with four kids. This week we literally crossed two things off this list.
Scrape Popcorn off the ceiling
Install Shiplap and paint it
Install Beams on ceiling
Demo the Fireplace and pull it out further into the room
Create a Fireplace Surround
Tile or Stone the fireplace
Tear out carpet and tile in front of fireplace
Paint the walls
Install new carpet and tile
Spray Paint Eyeball Light Surrounds
Install a light fixture in the family room
Figure out where the tv is going
Paint lower cabinets
Install backsplash
Remove upper cabinets
Install floating shelves
Make it all cute – Style & Accessorize
PLEASE go check out the designers who probably have made a lot of progress on their rooms. You can find more amazing spaces here. And all the guests linking uphere.

You know you like to work under pressure.