Well friends, the weather in Minnesota this past weekend was so amazing! Sunny with temps in the 70’s made it the perfect weekend to stain the deck. Between the two of us, we managed to get two coats of stain on all the railing and even some on the aluminum spindles, womp womp. I’m hoping and praying that it comes off of the spindles with some paint thinner and steel wool. I did not want to tape 200 spindles but maybe that would have been the wise thing to do.
I’m amazed at the difference the white railings make! This was before we even stained the rest of the deck so that is the old brown color on there.
Sunday the plan was to stain the main deck, stairs and skirt boards. Well, we ended up leaving church much later than we planned and then I couldn’t decide on a stain color so we went back and forth to Sherwin Williams 5 times.
My hubby was so gracious, even after we purchased a can of stain that I ended up hating, he agreed that we should get a stain that I really love and not settle. So we finally ended up with Black Alder with no white added to it from Sherwin Williams in the solid stain. I love it!
The weather held out and we managed to stain the entire deck on Sunday before nightfall. The deck still needs another coat of stain but the forecast is full of rain this week but hopefully we can stain the railing in the garage this week and install it when the rain is done.
The gray cushion covers arrived today in the mail from Home Depot and I think they are going to match everything perfectly! I’m getting excited to move on from staining and start making things look inviting and summery! Check back next week and hopefully we’ll have made huge strides in getting stuff done!
Also don’t forget to check out the ORC Featured Designers and ORC link up posts for tons of awesome inspiration and ideas!!!
Such a huge difference already! It looks brand new Ange! You got a ton or work done! Can’t wait to see it all styled up!
It’s so BEEYOOTEEFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love how your deck is turning out! The white rails with the dark floor stain looks great! It makes such a difference. Re-staining our deck is on my to-do list, I am hoping to get it done before the summer time when we will be using it all the time, but the weather hasn’t cooperated here long enough to get it started. I am looking forward to seeing how it all turns out!
– Jaclyn
Thanks Jaclyn! It’s been tricky fitting it in here too with the weather, I swear all it’s been doing is raining here lately.
That’s a lot of work! It looks so great though. How sweet that your husband went back and forth to the store…mine would be the same way. If you are going to all of that effort it should be exactly what you want. 🙂
I’d love it if you’d link this with us at Thoughts of Home on Thursday. This is just the kind of thing our readers love.
Thanks Stacey! Yes my husband is very sweet, I am so thankful for him and his willingness to help me with projects!
Wow, what a dramatic change.I love the floor stain with the white spindles.The pillows look fantastic with it too. Can’t wait to see what you have in store next week!
Thank you Leslie! I am on the hunt for some cute dishes but so far, no luck.
I love the stain color on your deck! It looks amazing!!!
Thank you Lisa! I love it too,now fingers crossed it stays nice and dark and doesn’t get ruined by kids, dogs and the sun!