The smack is getting laid down, the belt is getting tightened and sadly I won’t be at Target this month, that’s right friends, we are going on a spending fast. Don’t ask us to do anything fun in the month of February unless it’s free or you want to pay for us. :p The hubby and I have decided to go all commando ninja style on the budget to get spending back on track after three birthdays in our house in the beginning of January and my MRSA medical bills from November (that’s another blog story coming soon ), along with a leaky wallet from Target various other sources eatng out . So we want to drastically reduce the amount spent over the next 28 days and see how much we can save. We have never done this before and aren’t really even sure how it is all going to work out but we have an idea, some determination and accountability by blogging about it.
The plan:
* Pay our mortgage and other monthly bills along with our charitable giving, one date night we had planned a month ago and at least one birthday gift that we know of, it’s really not fair to make our children’s friends suffer because we have made poor choices with our money. And if a medical or vehicle emergency where to arise we would take care of that, no one’s life will be in danger, don’t worry (mom).
* Meal Plan! Ok I already meal plan and do OAMC (Once a month cooking) but we are going to try to eat less meat which can be expensive. There will be grocery money but not much! My kids eat fruit and lots of it which is also kind of pricey in the winter time when it’s not in season here in the frozen and snowy mid-west. But who wants to say, “Sorry kids, no fruit this month, we have to eat junk because it’s cheap.” Not me. How far can I stretch it feeding 6 people for 28 days? I’d love to hear your tips on this one!
* NO eating out. 🙁 Here is a get real moment for you, last summer during a ONE month period, we spent around $700 eating out. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? WHO DOES THAT? Apparently we did. I can tell you how this happened, our life was so busy we couldn’t even sit down and budget or get to the store to grocery shop. That is ridiculous. We know that people love coming to visit us and we love having people visit but better management of the calender is in order this summer! Book your weekends now friends before they are all gone! 😉
* Reduce the number of trips around town and running errands to save on gas. With only one vehicle this isn’t too hard to do but I am going to try and stay home a lot. (I have a feeling everything that is standing still in our home will get a new paint job this month with all the paint left overs (some (15) cans in the basement) because I can’t buy new paint.
* No Target trips. For real, I am fasting Target this month, tomorrow is my last day to go there and shop happily for groceries, lightbulbs and clearance I don’t need.. If you see me there during February, call my husband. The alternatives, shopping at Costco (my 2nd love), Aldis, Hy-Vee the grocery store in town (which I find to be kind of expensive) or Wal-mart. I HATE shopping at Wal-mart, I always leave there really crabby so my plan might be to send the hubby to the store instead. Plus, I plan to not go to the store much at all this month anyways.
Check out Living Well Spending Less and her 31 day challenge for some great information and inspiration!!!! She even has a facebook group you can join as well for more ideas and accountability!
Do you have some tips for us from when you did a No Spend month because we’d love to hear them! We need all the help we can get! Better yet, anyone want to join us for 28 days in February, buying only what is absolutely necessary and putting the brakes on the spending?
We did just did this for January, Ange. It’s an annual thing – even after saving up and using cash for Christmas gifts, it feels like all we have done is spend spend spend – so we start January off with a spending cleanse! It makes me realize how much money I spend on the kids – a bit here, a bit there – a quick drive through Dunkin Donuts on the way to a game – it adds up! Good luck – I’m sure you will be so glad at the end of February!