My word for 2021 was Connection. You can read more about how that went, here. To be honest, I was thinking maybe I didn’t even want to do a word this year. Some years I really connect with the word and others I kind of forget about. Not super encouraging I suppose but I really do like having something to focus on and guide my year. Some of my words in the past few years have been Freedom, Light, Create, Deeper, Flourish, Intentional and Connection.
The past few weeks I’ve tossed around a few ideas but honestly months ago I knew if I did choose a word, this was going to be it. I just didn’t want it to be this particular word. You see, this year’s word is Discipline. First impressions of this word don’t bring about warm fuzzy feelings for most of us. Which is why I tried to find a similar word that was a little more positive. After doing some searching, I did find a definition that is more in line with what I envision when I think of Discipline: To train or develop by instruction and exercise, especially in self-control.
What does discipline look like for Ange in 2022? There are a few big things I will be focusing on this year, physical movement, more productive use of my time and of course Spiritual Disciplines. This past summer I had a physical because it had been a while and also, girl problems. So long story short, I have hypothyroidism and my uterus is falling out. HA! Ok, well it really is but thankfully Physical Therapy was an option that I gladly chose to help my leaking issues. It’s crazy to me how much better my posture and everything else is after doing PT for a few months. I don’t pee when I cough, sneeze or jump anymore either so that’s a huge improvement! Why the heck did I wait so long? Anyways, all that to say, I need to continue to move my physical body and gain strength. My Physical Therapist told me today that I’ve gained a lot of strength since September which is the encouragement I needed. Oddly, I am excited to continue gaining strength and the added benefit of physical movement for my mental health. I’ve been using the free version of the FitOn app to do some stretches and exercises at home. If you’re looking for something with a ton of variety as far as time, intensity and types of workouts, check it out. Bonus, you can get the app on the ROKU so you can have it on the TV.
The other part of my life that could use some discipline is the use of my time. I get easily distracted and also am a procrastinator. Working on finding rhythms that help make better use of my time would be awesome. One thing I’ve learned about myself is I am not a routine kind of person. If you know me at all, this isn’t shocking. But I do need some sort of lose schedule/plan. I absolutely loved the book Rhythms of Renewal by Rebekah Lyons. I also purchased the Rhythms for Life Planner & Journal and am working my way through it. I need variety in my life, I can not do the same thing day in and day out or I will lose my mind. Also this year I will be using my Faithful Life Planner again. This has been a big help for me and I love love love using it. But it’s time to get some more tools in my kit and make plans for other distractions in my life.
Finally, the other discipline I am doing this year is reading through the Bible with some friends using The Bible Recap. Two years ago, in 2020 actually, our friends asked us to join them in reading through the bible in a year. We used The Bible Recap as our guide and it was awesome. I love the podcast with Tara Leigh Cobble which is a short 5-8 minute recap of the reading and how you saw God in the reading for the day. Honestly, the podcast is the game changer for me. I think in part because I am a verbal processor and hearing someone else process it helps me process. I also liked the accountability with friends and being able to comment on what you read at the end of the day so that your friends can see it as well. This year I am also adding in reading through the notes of my study bible and doing it in a different version than last time. I don’t love the my new bible that I picked out for Mother’s Day so it’s been a good challenge for me to use it and have to work a little harder at something.
I’ve got some other things I will be working on as well but these are my three biggest things for now. As always, I pick a verse to go with my word. This year’s verse is found in Hebrews 12:11.
But I also LOVE verse 12-13 as well. Which I feel like gets left behind because everyone loves verse 11.
Therefore lift your drooping hands and strengthen your weak knees and make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be put out of joint but rather be healed.
When choosing my word, there was a lot of walk, step, led and path type words that kept showing up as well. Yet in the end, I knew that Discipline was needed for strength and yielding the fruit in my life. But it’s also required to stay on the straight path. God spoke to me in some pretty clear ways while seeking out this word. I can’t wait to see what He’s going to do, because don’t you know, He will do it!
So while my word might not be my favorite, I am praying that with the The Holy Spirit, this word and my verse for this year will guide me into a stronger, better Ange in 2022 for His Glory and not my own. Now it’s your turn, tell me what your word is for 2022!
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