My word of the year – 2017

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Happy New Year friends!  I have a few blog posts that I usually do around now, including this one, my word for the year.  I look forward to writing this post every year.  I love New Years and the fresh start that it brings.  I know that flipping over a calendar page to a new year does not bring necessarily bring about change.   Yet for me, a person who likes change, there is something about the possibilities, the dreaming and planning ahead in the next 12 months that make my heart happy. New Years may in fact be one of my most favorite holidays.  It’s very sentimental to me, much more than Christmas for some reason.

Last year my word came fairly easily and I loved my word!  So much so, I am a little sad to leave it behind in 2016.  It really set the course for last year and really brought me great direction and joy.  Knowing all this, I have been struggling with choosing a word for 2017.  The word Bold was one I strongly considered but something about it never sat quite right with me.

Not to worry,  a few nights ago I came across the word Create in my reading and I knew immediately that it was my word for 2017.

CREATE : to cause to come into being, as something unique that would not naturally evolve or that is not made by ordinary processes.

It’s something I have always enjoyed doing.  And how perfect, my friend Amber who creates amazing art by the way, taught a fun class the other night.  We created our word of the Year on a wood block and then go to take it home.



So I decided to add boldly to my block with create.  Why?  Because this summer I had a great business idea.  I was so excited, my hubby was on board, my friends were excited.  And then, I chickened out and said no.  And now, I totally regret not doing it.  There are many opportunities on my plate right now and to be honest, I need to be a bit bold and that’s the hard part for me.

Lately I’ve had a lot of stuff swirling in my head, such as what am I doing with my life?  How to best use the gifts that God has given me and the time I have been given? How can I bless others?

The answer is, create.  Creating reasons to gather people together.  Creating beauty in my home through painting, art, design and blogging.  Creating a welcoming and peaceful home.  Creating memories with my family. Creating some new routines and habits. Creating space for myself, for rest, for quiet, for time with the Lord, the CREATOR.

Turning 40 later this year has me doing a lot of reflecting on life.

 My character and if I am truly reflecting Christ and His love in my life.  Spending my time well. Speaking words of life.  Being an encouragement.  Having grace for others and myself.  Creating beauty.  Serving others.

I want a life well lived.

That’s what has been swirling in my head.  And if you don’t know me, please know that I fail miserably at the majority of that list daily.  The beautiful thing is, Christ’s mercy is new every morning.  And trust me, I need it!

So that’s my word for this year friends!  It’s going to be exciting to look back in December and see how this year of Create Boldly ended up.   I have a lot more I want to say but will save it for another post.

Did you pick a word this year?  If so, I’d love to hear about it!





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