Happy New Year friends! I can’t believe it’s only been 5 days since New Years, feels like it was weeks ago. December was such a weird month for us this year that I don’t feel like we even had Christmas. We spent Christmas in Texas this year on the beach with some dear friends. A new experience for our fam, it was fun but I should also mention it was cold. Like 40’s with rain and wind. Not exactly beach weather but like I said, we still had a great time! We snuck this photo in quick one day when the sun was peaking out for a few minutes. The sand was so cold, we were all freezing and couldn’t feel our feet!
Right before we left for our trip to Texas my Power Sheets from Cultivate What Matters were supposed to arrive. Unfortunately, we had to leave early to miss a snow/ice storm. I was hoping to really work on some of my goals/word for the year while we had lots of windshield time. The good news is, when we came home it sort of felt like Christmas all over again!
Not only were my Power Sheets here, I also ordered a companion guide for Couples to the Power Sheets. Along with Rebekah Lyon’s new book, You are Free. I’m super excited to dig into it but first I need to finish up my 30 Days of Prayer for the Dream and the Doer which I would also highly recommend. And on a weird side note, Rebekah’s family wore the same pajamas we did on Christmas, so I feel like we’re kind of buds now. Because obviously, she has great taste in pajamas so that means automatic friend status.
Anyways, back to my Word for the Year. I have had an idea for what I wanted but couldn’t quite nail it down. Focus, Purpose, Refine, Aim, Simplify, Renovate, Freedom, Cultivate and Intentional were all on my list. Refine was high on my list but quite frankly, it kind of scared me. Which maybe my word should scare me. Today, while reading my bible and googling definitions again, it really came together. My word for 2018 is Intentional. With Focus being added on as an extra oomph.
Intentional – done on purpose, deliberate. Done by intention or design.
I want my focus to be intentional if that makes sense. It’s not just the focus that I need but the intention, the reason for the focus, the deliberateness of my focus. I want my words, my actions and let’s be real, my life to be intentional. I think turning 40 really does make you reflect on life, inventory where you are going and what’s working and what’s not.
I really love these verses in Ephesians, it goes on to talk about letting the Holy Spirit fill you and control you, giving thanks to the Father for everything. This is what I want for my life, being careful how I live, understanding what the Lord wants me to do, being filled with the Holy Spirit and giving thanks for everything.
Ephesian 5:15-17 5 So be careful how you live. Don’t live like fools, but like those who are wise. 16 Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days. 17 Don’t act thoughtlessly, but understand what the Lord wants you to do.
Being an ESFP is fun and spontaneity, crazy living and that’s great. BUT that being said, there is something to be said for looking ahead, making wise choices and living with purpose, focus, intent. Not that I can’t be spontaneous and fun but hopefully by being intentional with my time and resources, the crazyness and spontaneity won’t lead to overwhelm, chaos and hamster wheel living.
My plan is to be more deliberate in my life with my time, my words and my finances. 2017 was an amazing year. We did a lot! We traveled somewhere during 9 out of the 12 months, we started a business that was quite busy this fall and more. Lots of good stuff but I am sure a lot of wasted time and money, used negative words, was on my phone too much and didn’t rest a lot because we were busy and I didn’t plan well.
Some things I am saying yes to this year include:
my bible, reading, rest, joy, simple, grace, finances
And I’m saying no to:
busy, being a slave to my phone, comparison, negative words, debt
Here’s to 2018, the year of Intentional Living! This could really blow up in my face friends! OR by December of next year I could be blogging about my success with my intentional year. I’d love to know what your word is if you chose one!