My Thrifting Finds and Spray Paint

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Hello everyone! I’ve been busy the past few days spray painting furniture and other things, my husband was really afraid he’s next but I think he won’t get a coat of paint until he has some more gray hair. Ha! I kid, I kid.
Anyways, living in a bigger city definitely has its advantages. The craigslist finds are awesome along with the Goodwill having a great selection of items as well. Then there are some great resale shops around here and even a feed store with two backrooms chuck full of antiques and treasures. I haven’t even ventured to a garage sale around here yet but maybe this weekend I’ll give that a try too!
Here are a few of my treasures I’ve found for the home in the past few weeks.

I picked this beauty up the same day I bought the dresser for the family room and this cute side table was only $5.

I can’t believe this globe was still there at Goodwill on Saturday and for only $2.50. It is so perfect for the living room, I love it!

While at a resale shop a few weeks ago this caught my eye and I picked it up for $16. I was going to repaint it but I’m actually bringing some blingy gold back into my decor so she’ll stay this way. At least for now.

I was really on a roll yesterday, the decorating mojo was flowing I tell ya so I was spray painting everything, rearranging, found a few things in the basement I totally forgot I had and well, I’m quite pleased with how things are coming together around here.
Remember this thrift store lamp I picked up for $10?

Well after a few coats of Night Tide, look at her now. All she needs is to be rewired and maybe some ribbon trim around the shade and she’ll be good to go!

Next up, I had a little brown table that had seen some better days, much better days in fact. I couldn’t even take her picture she was so abused and worn out. Nothing a few coats of Night Tide couldn’t fix. (Are you sensing a theme here?)

Then I had an old mirror frame that I found in the basement. Here is her before:

And after wearing her new coat of Eden.

Remember this oval mirror?

I thought maybe she’d look better in gold.

So that’s what I’ve been up to the last day or so!  I am also going to start working on our master bedroom because the dark brown walls are just too much for me.   Every night before bed I look at them and shudder.  I’m on the look out for a headboard of some sort, maybe iron, a pallet, a door or an upholstered piece of plywood?  We’ll see!  Have you found any awesome treasures lately?  Where is your favorite place to find them?

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4 thoughts on “My Thrifting Finds and Spray Paint

  1. How do you find the time my friend? I'm so envious right now. Plus the humidity is so high it would take until Halloween to dry!

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