My new old kitchen chairs

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I have disliked our kitchen table and chairs for a few years now. They are the ugly honey oak color that I think almost every table and chair that was made in the early to mid 2000’s was stained. Ok, well not every table and chair but every table and chair that we could afford at that time. I decided on a whim the other day that I was going to paint the chairs and table black. I really thought about doing white but with white kitchen cabinets and white beadboard, I thought the table might get lost or make it look like a snow storm hit my kitchen. I also debated doing an espresso color but I chose black. I thought for sure Mr.A would not like this idea so I sort of started the project before I told him what I was doing. He doesn’t always like my project ideas when I explain them to him but if I do it first and don’t tell him beforehand he usually really likes my projects. Well was I surprised when he said, “I actually thought of that the other weekend when you were gone. I thought it would be cool if I could do it for you and surprise you when you came home but taking care of the kids was enough for one weekend.” That was so sweet of him!
I kind of went blindly into this project like I do so many others. I bought some primer and paint and a sponge roller. I sanded the table down with the palm sander first to get the polyurethane coating off the top. I didn’t do the legs of the table or the chairs though. I then primed it all with the roller and then changed my mind on the paint and went back and bought spray paint instead. The first two chairs I didn’t sand down the primer and I wish I would have but instead I just started spraying them. I did sand the primer off the rest of the chairs before spraying them with the black. In between the fist and second coat of spray paint I also sanded some spots that were a little rough. I didn’t take any before pictures but I found this kitchen picture that shows the table and chairs in their oakiness.

Here are a few after pics of the chairs.  I am not done with the table but will post that soon (hopefully).

This is the spray paint I used on the chairs, I so far have used 8 cans and I need probably at least 2 more to finish the legs and apron of the table.  This picture didn’t turn out the best but it’s all I got for now!

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4 thoughts on “My new old kitchen chairs

  1. I love black furniture! It's a wonderful transformation. Great job! I'd love for you to join my link party going on now!

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