Master Bedroom Week 4 ORC Link Up

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I’m back from an interesting vacation in South Carolina.  It rained almost the whole time we were there which was a bummer.  Good friends made it better though and so does some chocolate salted caramel bunt cake for your birthday baked with love.

It’s time to show my progress for the ORC this week.


You can see my tortoise like progress from week 1, week 2 and week 3.

So not much progress this week which means the next two weeks are going to be jam packed with DIY goodness.  We need to make headboard, recover a bench, hack some IKEA rasts and frame a large mirror.   No big deal, right?

Here’s what we (ok, my hubby)  accomplished this week:



The ceiling fan is gone!  Thanks to Craigslist I found a $25 chandy for the dining room and then stole this one from there and moved it on up, to the East side, aka the master bedroom.For those of you with hot flashes telling me I am making a big mistake getting rid of the ceiling fan, I can always find a fan on a stand, you know what I’m saying?  Kicking it old school, so we can make weird noises into the fan for entertainment.  I think something this size should work.

I’ve spent time this week playing around with fabric, pillows and curtains.  I thought about doing basic white curtain panels and found the gray one at Target which I kind of like but still not sure.  I am also undecided on the linen for the headboard but not really sure I want white either.  And I may ditch some or all of this and go a completely different direction.


I like to wait until the last minute to decide.   I recently took the Meyer-Briggs test on fb that is going around and I’m an ENFP (the Inspirer).  Consequently, ENFPs work best in situations where they have a lot of flexibility, and where they can work with people and ideas.  To sum it up,  I don’t like final decisions, deadlines, rules or being told what to do.  lol.  It’s sad but true.  So I will procrastinate until the end and hope it all turns out!  Here is what’s left:

Master Bedroom Makeover:

Cozy blanket

Pillows for the bed


Paint the wall

Find a chandelier



Wall Art & Mirrors

Blinds & Curtains

Items I am not sure on:

Recover Bench or move to another room

Lamps – repaint or find new ones

Nightstands – repaint current ones or replace with Rasts


Head over to Linda from Calling it Home and check out 20 amazing bloggers doing what they do, creating some fabulous rooms in 6 weeks.

Then be sure and check out all the fun link ups that are participating as well!

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