Alright my lovely friends and readers, I’m in need of some of your awesome ideas, tips and tricks!
Since 2001 I have manged to have a laundry chute in every house I’ve lived in. When we built I even requested a laundry chute in our main floor laundry area.
I love having a laundry chute for the children to throw their clothes down so I don’t have to have hampers, baskets or anything else you put dirty clothes in. The new house does NOT have a laundry chute! AUGH! What’s a girl to do? I will have main floor laundry which will be wonderful to have again, no more spiders and ear wigs waiting to get me in the basement! So, what do you do when you don’t have a laundry chute? I will also have 3 bedrooms upstairs and two in the basement so lots of stairs to climb to gather and put away the laundry. The best solution would be to not have clothes, which would work out well if we lived in a nudist colony and with the humidity and heat today I am considering it! Although I don’t want to scare the new neighbors off just yet.
So talk to me, tell me what you do for laundry.
I’d love to hear and/or see what you do for laundry! You can include links in your comments if you have any! Thanks!

5 laundry baskets to be exact and my laundry is never organized. I like baskets because you can grab them and go, easy to tote up and down the stairs. Love to have a bigger laundry room, but it's not going to happen.
My laundry pile is never ending…..better get some going now 🙂
Have a great week Ange
Ange, Each kid has their own clean laundry basket. Once it is all folded it is their responsibility to take it to their room and put it away. I also have a hanging bar so you can hang it as you take it out of the dryer. Eliminates double work! I have one laundry basket in the boys bathroom. What isn't in it doesn't get washed. In the master we have a 4 bag laundry sorter. Hope this helps!
Yep, hampers in every clothes closet 🙂 Hubby has three – one for regular, one for dry cleaning, and one for his "special" work clothes!
Becky B.
Organizing Made Fun
I am soooo unorganizied by nature, but I have to stay on top of laundry daily or it turns into a mountain that threatens to overtake our house!! Each child has a laundry basket. My oldest brings his down and sometimes even does his own! There is no sorting going on there. With the rest of us, I separate clothing by materials – jeans and shorts in one load, light cottons in another, towels and socks, heavier cottons/fabrics in another…. you get the idea. Once its gone from washer to dryer, I fold and stack on the folding counter and put it into the correct persons basket. Eventually I put it all away (my least favorite thing to do!!)
I grew up in a house with a laundry chute- LOVED IT!! I didn't love it for the ease of doing laundry as I was a kid- no laundry for me- only dirtying up the clothes. I LOVED jumping down the chute into the laundry room!! I would even throw (that sounds mean, I would actually ever so gently place my little brother in the chute holding his arms up and let go). We alway landed on either soft fluffy clean clothes or nasty dirty clothes, depending on how mom had arranged things that day 🙂 I had 3 older brothers who were teenagers then. Sadly, mom eventually closed the chute during a remodel and life lost one of the bright spots. Sigh
Our laundry room now is on the main floor, the kids are all upstairs, so with my oldest two boys, they are responsible for bringing the laundry downstairs. My two youngest at 5 and 7 are not, so I bring it down when I'm up there and see a load between the two then I often consolidate them. I bring ours in when it's full. I do at least 2 full loads every day. Because there is so much laundry, and the clean baskets aren't always put away, my youngest ones sometimes change into pj's or get dressed in the morning from their baskets leaving the dirty on the floor of said laundry room- easier 🙂
You'll work out a system soon- don't fret! laundry, death and taxes, right?
We have 3 laundry baskets that sit full or empty in front of the dryer. The five girls have a laundry hamper in their room which is full every evening. The boy is trained when he takes off his clothes they go right on the floor in front of the dryer. 🙂 The parents have a dirty clothes pile on their bedroom floor. I think I would put them in the closet if I had a closet. Oldest daughter just turned 13 was trained to do laundry when she was 10 and it is her job to wash all piles of dirty laundry. She does a very nice job and washes 2-3 loads a day. She actually just passed this job down to her sister last week. All clean laundry is put on the parents bed and sorted to who folds it. Each person folds their own laundry plus something else like; one daughter folds towels another folds her parents under clothes while another folds baby sisters clothes. We live in a single wide trailer so the laundry room is in the hallway. whoever designed that never washed laundry we are always climbing over laundry when we walk thru the hallway. I always wonder why people put the laundry machines down in the basement. I just watched an old movie "Life with Father" The kitchen was in the basement. Hmm other than feeling like I worked in the dungeon I think I could get along with having a basement kitchen. A lot cooler down there.
We have a laundry basket in every bedroom. When it is full it gets washed. For the older kids they have to take it out of the dryer, put it back in their basket, and take it up and put it away. Then the basket goes back in it's spot in their room. Same thing for the little one's except mom has to do all the steps. I keep two baskets in the laundry room. One for whites and one for whatever else. I also have two baskets in the master bedroom, one for whites and one for colors. I don't do much sorting, but this system works for us.
I love baskets because you can grab them and go, easy to tote up and down the stairs.