I’m so flattered that Jena from Involving Color included a picture of our last kitchen in her post today about some of her favorite white kitchens. Wow! Thank you Jena! If you are in love with white kitchens then head over and check out all the other awesome kitchens she featured today as well!
In other blogging stuff, I have been thinking the past few days about working. I don’t need to work, the hubby has an awesome job, thank you God and I am able to stay home full time. I don’t have a college degree although I did go to college for three years. In my life before children, I worked retail. I love it, I miss it, I sometimes think of going back. Today the girl at Target was telling me how they needed Holiday help and the wheels in my head started turning. I don’t want to work at Target, I’d much prefer a store in the mall where I can interact more with customers, displaying merchandise, putting out the merchandise and not being stuck behind a counter. Am I crazy to consider this? I would only do it for the Holiday season and would be working evenings and weekends. We don’t have any commitments really besides our kids being in Awana one night a week. We are not going anywhere for Thanksgiving and no one is coming here so the busiest weekend of the year I’m free. But am I just being selfish in going back because it’s something “I” want to do? Am I neglecting my family? Would my house and family fall apart if I was working 15-20 hours a week? Would I go insane? Anyone done anything like this before? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I know this is a decision only me and my family can make, deciding what’s best for us. But maybe there are some things I haven’t considered or thought of that you might. Maybe you did this and can tell me your experience. I’d love to hear from you, the positive, negative, whatever!

I too went to college but never finished…that was almost 35 years ago..since that time I have been a stay at home mom..keeping busy being a volunteer at school and church..but now I wonder if I would be able to get a job if I needed one..if I had to do it over again I would keep myself up to date in the workforce..just for peace of mind..
Go for it! It's a temporary position, so what's the worst that happens? If you hate it then it's over in a few weeks. If you love it then you may have opened the door for so many possibilities.
It's just for the holidays. You will either love it or hate it, but it's only for a short period of time. I say go for it if it's something you would like to do. If you'd rather work in the mall, then apply for something in the mall. Don't settle…especially when you don't have to.
We really are BBFF's. I've been going thru the exact same thing. Sometimes it would be nice for more adult interaction and have something for just me. All of it strartes when I received an email saying pier one is hiring holiday help…..how fun would it be to set up table scapes and play w a the accessories?
Xx. Patience
I actually *do* this…not for fun, but for some money because the hubbs is in school…I work at Pottery Barn only in the evenings…if it was only 2 maybe 3 days a week it would be perfect, I love it! I think 20 hours or so would be a LOT…but I guess you could probably do it during the day, right? It definitely is a super fun job and it is nice to have the "adult time" (c: Hey, if the worst thing you do is start it and decide it's not for you and quit in a week or two, it would still be a good experience, right? (c:
I say go for it, Ange! Not having a choice, I worked while my girls were growing up and they're normal. 😉 I think it'll be nice for you to get out, socialize, interact with the public (you're great at that) and make a few extra dollars – oh an not to mention the Target discount! That applies to blog friends and family too, right? haha!
Good luck with whatever you decide!
My first question is are you in your 40's? LOL I feel the same way but I want something brainless like collecting shopping carts at Wal-mart it just looks like really good exercise and I live in AZ so there is no now to contend with just cold wind. Oh well,I have way to much to do here at home that my Hubby would be very against it.
First of all I love your kitchen! About the questions, you sound like me.. I always consider that very thing…I say try it and see how it goes. Since it is seasonal you can always be done at the end if it not your thing…..Just my two cents, sorry I had to delete my comment before, it posted before I finished.
Hey Lady!! Do it!! Even if your man makes enough to stay home sometimes it is nice to get out and do something on your own. Might I suggest restoration Hardware? If you have one by you there employee discount is 50% off! My sister worked there for a holiday season not for the money but to purchase a bunch of furniture for her house at a mega discount. Basically her whole paycheck went back to the store but when the season was over she had a lovely new dining set as well as pillows, curtains, and light fixtures! 🙂 Do it!!