Kids Bathroom Progress ORC

Posted On By ange
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Not much has happened on the bathroom this past week.  We did manage to get the trim finished, well finished as in put up on the wall.  There are nail holes to fill, caulking to be done and then painting.   Just in case you missed the past few weeks, here is where we started, an orange nightmare:

The bathroom already feels so much bigger to me with the white beadboard on the walls.  That at least makes me feel better even though I still haven’t decided on a shower curtain.  I have narrowed it down to one of the striped ones and which one I’m not sure yet.   I don’t love either one and may even find a different one or make my own.  Anyone ever make a shower curtain before?


If I stick with the multi-colored curtain I have a plan for some artwork that is free which is always a bonus.  The blue shower curtain I feel I could go a few different ways with things for the wall and I’m really torn on the whole thing.

The Vanity needs to be painted either another coat of gray or another color altogether which all depends on which curtain I go with.  The vanity top makes it hard but it has to stay, this is a cheap remodel in here.  I would love new tile and a vanity top but not as much as we need new counter tops in the kitchen and to do something with the main floor flooring.

Not much has changed since last week but after Easter I’m hoping to get some stuff done!  Like find a light fixture, pick a shower curtain, paint the vanity, the mirror and also get some artwork, shelves, etc.  Whew!  Good thing I’ve been pinning ideas like crazy onto my ORC Bathroom Pinterest board.    That’s all for now, hopefully next week I’ll be back with some good progress!


Be sure to check out all the amazing bloggers linking up for week 3 at Linda from Calling it Home!  Also be sure and check in with the 20 awesome bloggers doing the ORC:

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