It’s time for the 3rd Annual No Spend February!

Posted On By ange
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Have I ever told you that I hate the color red?  It’s probably my  least favorite color.  Anyways, after that random introduction let’s move on.   February is fast approaching and that means it’s time for a NO SPEND month.  This time we will be using all the money we save to pay for our trip to Washington DC/Richmond Virginia over spring break.  Tonight we will have a family meeting to discuss our NO Spend month and how we can do better than last year.  Seriously.  I am ready to rally the troops and go hardcore after it next month.

We will be starting on February 4th and ending on March 4th.  We have our annual Super Bowl party that we host on the calendar and that’s it.  If you are our friend you know that we become hermits and don’t do anything unless it’s free or written in blood on the calendar.  We are busy doing projects and dreaming of eating out.  I have a few projects I would like to accomplish including that darn popcorn ceiling in the upstairs hallway.  Hey, it’s free, right?

The rules for the month that we have decided on are as follows:

* Pay our mortgage and other monthly bills along with our charitable giving, at least one birthday gift that we know of, it’s really not fair to make our children’s friends suffer because we have made poor choices with our  money.  And if a medical or vehicle emergency where to arise we would take care of that, no one’s life will be in danger, don’t worry (mom).

* Meal Plan!  Ok I already meal plan and do OAMC (Once a month cooking)  but we are going to try to eat less meat which can be expensive.  There will be grocery money but not much!  My kids eat fruit and lots of it which is also kind of pricey in the winter time when it’s not in season here in the frozen and snowy mid-west.  But who wants to say, “Sorry kids, no fruit this month, we have to eat junk because it’s cheap.”  Not me.   How far can I stretch it feeding 6 people for 28 days?  I’d love to hear your tips on this one!

* NO eating out.  ?   This will be so hard to do.  We really like eating out, a lot.  Friends want to meet for coffee or drinks often.  We can do it!  Maybe I will tell my friends I am helping them save money too this month.  NO ONE eat out, ok?  Thankfully I already quit my coffee habit so that helps.

* No Target trips.  For real, I am fasting Target this month, tomorrow is my last day to go there and shop happily for groceries, lightbulbs and clearance I don’t need..  If you see me there during February, call my husband.  The alternatives, shopping at Costco (my 2nd love), Aldis, Hy-Vee the grocery store in town (which I find to be kind of expensive) or Wal-mart.   I HATE shopping at Wal-mart, I always leave there really crabby so my plan might be to send the hubby to the store instead.  Plus, I plan to not go to the store much at all this month anyways.

* Declutter, Clean and Organize are the name of the game I will be playing in my home this month.  Thankfully our basement is looking pretty good but I know of a little boy’s room that could use some help!  And honestly I enjoy getting rid of stuff so maybe I will see what else there is to get rid of?

Alright, so who wants to join me?  February is a short month and if you live in the snowy mid-west, it’s the perfect time!

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