It’s not all about the numbers!

Posted On By ange
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For those of you who are bloggers, this post is a great read from Kristen Welch.
I think it ties in somewhat with my post regarding what is important, why we blog, who we blog for and why it’s so easy to get caught up in the numbers game!
I hope you all have an awesome weekend! This is our first weekend in the new city without company so we are going to hang out and maybe do some exploring as a family. What are you doing this weekend?

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4 thoughts on “It’s not all about the numbers!

  1. Love this! She is so right, we need to put the effort into following the one who gives us everything and sharing it with others!
    Thank you and it goes along with your post the other day 🙂
    Have a blessed weekend and have fun exploring your new city, how fun!! Love ya lady!

  2. What a great link! I am not even sure how I came across your blog today but I am so glad I found it 🙂 I love your style of decor. Just saw the picture of your dining room chairs over on facebook and fell in love with the seat fabric. Just lovely. Thanks for sharing and for the reminder about what is really important!

  3. You (and Kristen) are sooo right, Ange! Thanks for the link.

    I hope you all have a fantastic weekend in your new city. It sounds very exciting!

    We are headed out of town for the week to spend some time at the beach. Can't wait!

  4. I'll have to check out the post. It's always good to get a good dose of perspective, especially when you begin to compare your blog to others…ooops, did I just say that. {snicker ;)} You are so right though, it's not all about the numbers at all. It's about making connections and sharing things that work for you. I am so excited to hear all about your new place, Ange! We have been hanging low this weekend. My awesome DH took me out on a much needed date tonight. Just want to say how grateful again I am to have you as a fellow blogging friend. 🙂 {hugs!}

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