Good morning my lovely friends! Today I am guest posting for Spray Painters Anonymous over at my friend Tiffany’s blog Living Savvy. While you are there check out her master bedroom she recently completed, it’s fabulous! Tiffany is also joining in the Color My World Challenge with me and the smart girl chose kelly green. Tiffany is looking for guest posters for her spray paint anonymous Fridays so if you have an addiction like I do to spray painting everything and anything you might want to contact her.
Yesterday after I arrived home from getting my hair did, there were two beautiful packages of fabric on the counter waiting for me to rip them open. They are perfect for Little A’s room and I must say that I am usually not an internet shopper but these two purchases may have changed my mind on that. I’d love to show you a sneek peak but I’m seriously revealing her room next week, pink promise on that!
Today I’m cleaning my home like a mad woman, mostly because I spent yesterday hitting up the first garage sales of the season. I did manage to score a new with tags Gap denim skirt for $3 for myself. The weather was also quite beautiful so I was able to spray paint a few things too. Some of my friends are coming to visit me tonight so I’ll be sleeping in the basement with them tonight, having my very own sleepover! What are you doing this weekend? Are you a garage sale kind of shopper?
Ange, you have been very busy! I can’t wait to see the big reveal 🙂
Loving all the colors!
i am LOVING her room! love that little green table!
A sleepover for you?? How fun! Enjoy and little A’s room is looking so pretty and cheerful already!
Loved your post on Living Savvy! I have a 30th birthday party tonight, a shower tomorrow and I’m going to try to hit some yard sales in between! Hope I get something good. Cross your fingers!
I can’t wait to see the room reveal! I know it’s going to look amazing!