I am not sure what I’m more excited about, the snow is gone, the sun is out, it’s warm or it’s spray painting season!!! Ok, the last one wins! I have been waiting dying to get outside with my trusty spray paint and paint some stuff!!!! We even had our picture taken together. Aren’t we cute? I didn’t get too cute looking today because I’m painting and I am the messiest painter I know!
I don’t have the after pictures yet but here is what I am busy painting at the moment:
Rolling primer on some lattice sticks for the bubs room.
Spray painting this lovely 1970’s/1980’s headboard and the matching footboard for the bub’s room.
And this was an unexpected painting project. This is what happened to the Behr Premium Plus paint with primer that I used in the dining room back in November. I’m really not happy about this! Anyone else have a problem with this paint? So frustrated!!!!
I have been on a mission the past few days, working on two rooms at once. I really want to get these rooms finished up so I can get outside and start working on my ghetto lovely backyard.
My children asked to plant a garden this year and I can’t wait! We need to finish up the side and backyard landscaping and also restain the playset. I want to get all this done before school is out so we can play all day and not have any projects this summer. Last summer was the year of Vinyl Siding and I am so glad that nightmare is over. Do you have lovely spring weather? What are you working on? Anyone busting out the spray paint? I’d love to hear and even better, see what you are working on!

Hi Ange! I love getting to see pictures of you. So am I working on a project…well possibly, if my kitchen remodel counts. lol I'm like you, I want to get this stuff all done before summer arrives. I don't want to spend the summer knee deep in big projects. Can't wait to see the rooms you're working on!
You and your spray paint look like best buds, Ange! The weather has been so beautiful here, so (at long last) I spent some time spray painting today as well!! Yep…. I'm trying to finish up some inside projects before summer, too. Can't wait for another room reveal from you!
I have a love relationship with spray paint as well! Just finished spraying a few things for my craft room make over!
Before Meets After
ANGE- Cracking up! WOndering what your neighbors thought as you snapped a smiling picture of you and spray paint! LOL!!! Oh,Ange.I love spray more than anything! And strangly enough when I was pregnant, I craved the smell so bad, when I used it I wanted to drink it!!! It was insane, dont worry peeps! I didnt! Im not psycho! Plus I would have been alot skinnier if I was a dopin' preggers! I have been spraying up a storm! It's so sat and easy! Gotta love heaven in a can! WHat are you spraying outside? And yes, I did my chocolate wall in my livinrm. with bear prem. paint, but we are tearing that wall outwhen we add on, soain't too worried! Love ya girl!!!
I was doing the same thing, we bloggers all think alike, don't we. I had several colors out yesterday..chalk board paint, HWhite, grey…you name it I had it out. You are too cute!
Ange, your paint peeled off? You should send those photos to the company. I bet that they would refund you.
Also, I am waiting for my neighbors to complain about the constant paint odor that blows their direction all summer long. 🙂