Top of the morning friends! I am going to be working on something today but wanted to drop by and let you know I’m sharing my five favorite pins over at Erin’s blog Clementine & Olive. If you have never been to Erin’s blog, you need to run there, now! She has great style, check out her IKEA hacked nailhead table, it is awesome along with the rest of her house, it is gorgeous and I want to live there! So please stop by and say hi to Erin at Clementine & Olive!
Thanksgiving is coming people, it’s almost here! Are you ready for some Football? Oh, wait, what? Yes, that’s right, my Detroit Lions are playing on Thanksgiving against the dreaded Green Bay Packers and I can’t wait! Besides watching the game, we will be eating food, don’t worry!
I love this tablescape above, of course because it’s blue and gold with some orangey/coral and birds as well. I am obsessed I tell you, obsessed! I posted a beautiful tablescape because I am not doing one this year so I thought this could be our pretend one. It’s just the hubs and our four kids for Turkey day this year and we’re ok with that. We knew that moving further away from family meant that we wouldn’t see them as much. We used to spend Thanksgiving in Michigan with our families but many things have changed over the years plus traveling with four kids and two dogs just doesn’t sound like a whole lot of fun. Maybe next year when we don’t have a 2 year old that just potty trained and still needs to go potty every hour or two.
I am getting really excited for Thanksgiving because I love green bean casserole and can’t wait to eat it all, myself. HA! Although I will miss my mom’s gravy, I stink at making gravy so that will be one food item missing from our table and I will not buy jar gravy.
Because after dinner comes dessert and I’ll want some room for that! WOO HOO! Except there will be no pumpkin pie or pumpkin anything at our home, no one likes it! In fact, we are haters of pumpkin! Scandalous, I know!
We will have some sort of yummy goodness though, don’t worry! Probably chocolate, the preferred fruit dessert round here.
Anyways, I’m rambling. There are so many things to be thankful for, God has been more than good to us. I have four healthy beautiful children, a wonderful, loving husband, great friends, a great house, parents who love me, we have food in our cupboards, shoes on our feet, a roof over our head and a God who loves us! What more do we need?
If you have made it this far through this rambling, crazy post, keep going, the end is in sight!!!
In the spirit of Thanksgiving and because I love you all, I want to thank you for reading my blog, commenting, encouraging and sharing with me!
I love hearing from you, it makes my day! So as a way of saying thank you, I will be having a giveaway starting on Friday! So come back sometime this weekend and enter to win! I hope you all have a lovely Thanksgiving making wonderful memories, eating lots of yummy food and spending time with people you love!

Lots of yummy turkey gravey at our house. L What no lemon meringue pie? Love MOM
Love your post. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. I love that Thanksgiving dictionary sign on the burlap fabric. That would be adorable to make.
I want you to know that I too hated pumpkin pie until I tried it made from fresh pumpkin. It is a whole different experience.
Hope you have a great Thanksgiving, pumpkin or no pumpkin pie! 🙂
yay! I can't wait to see what your giveaway is 🙂