While I have the podium and before I get into today’s subject du jour, let me take this opportunity to publicly acknowledge a few things:
- My wife is an amazing person. For those that know her, this comes as no surprise, but for those that don’t you’re missing out. I am truly blessed to be married to this energetic, fun-loving girl who gets me motivated to “do projects” where I would otherwise probably just play Nintendo and watch football if left to my own devices. Darling, I love you and what you’ve done in our house, with our familiy, and with this blog – you make me proud!!
- Secondly, let me acknowledge what life is like as a blog spouse. It’s a bit crazy around here at times with a stray paint brush found in random places, random trips to the store to find just the right pillow, and hours spent wading through Pinterest (who invented that thing anyway?) to come up with more “hubby do” projects. I also live in fear at times that what I say or do may end up getting blogged about for the enjoyment of y’all (“Honey, don’t make me publish that picture of you with the weird cups over your eyes after your eye surgery!”). But it is truly a fun community of great people most of whom I may never meet in person but yet have come to know second hand through Ange’s blog, and being a technology geek that I am I really love to see the internet used like that! Kudos to all you creative bloggers out there (including Ange, of course) taking such a simple thing as blogging and turning it into a gold mine of ideas, inspiration, and just plain fun.
- Lastly, for the record, I am NOT from the south, but I do apparantly like to use the word “y’all” a lot just because of how it rolls off the tongue or something. Not quite sure why..
OK, now time for the message at hand, it’s time to have the man-talk with the hubbies/boyfriends out there who are a bit squeamish about the subject. Today’s topic is about painting the sacred wood that we have in our homes and learning to be OK with this. Guys (if you’re reading this, or if your wife/girlfriend is reading it to you as I suspect is happening) we’re going to take this a step at a time and go through this and I’m hoping by the end you’ll at least begin to appreciate that painted wood (i.e. trim, cabinets, etc.) is just as fine to enjoy as seeing the wood underneath the paint as well.
And before I move on I must also acknowledge the fact that “painting the wood” may have some sort of sexual innuendo, which is not my intention at all but if y’all want to take it there after reading this post, be my guest. Hmmmmm…..ANYWAY….
(That’s not a self-portrait, by the way, just some random picture I found on Google)
Alright, let me go back to the “dark ages” in my life, before I saw the light, so to speak. The first house that Ange and I bought together was a 60’s ranch loaded with oak trim, all stained and in it’s Oak glory. Cabinets as well were oak-ish and woodly, It was there that I first dug my heels when the budding interior decorator known as my wife first suggested that we consider painting “the wood”. She might as well have suggested that we start shaving my leg hair and making me wear heels, it wasn’t gonna happen. So we lived in oak glory for a few years and somehow made it work.
Then came the house that we built together. Skip to the part where we pick out the trim and doors style for the house. I don’t recall exactly the conversations we had about this (I’m a guy and the memory about that sort of stuff just eludes me. Yet I can remember every sports score my favorite team had this year…odd) but at some point she convinced me that using white trim and white six-panel doors was in order. I was hesitant, but began to see the beauty of white trim when our house started to come together and I saw how wonderful the white trim made the paint on the walls stand out and how it just seemed to add such a great touch to rooms that would otherwise have been rather boring and plain. From there, our next house had white kitchen cabinets (in addition to a house full of white trim) and now we are living in a house where we are actually painting the trim white (well, Ange is anyway. A man’s gotta have his limits on doing projects somewhere, ya know) and we have the kit to transform our cabinets into white at some point in the near future.
A quick little before and after so you can appreciate the beauty of the white trim/doors and kitchen too!

Anyway, wrapping up guys, just a plea to let go of the wood trim and live a little. You may just make your wife/girlfriend so happy that she may come up with other things to do with “the wood” if you know what I mean…wink….wink…nudge…nudge! OK, reached my innuendo quota required by the blogger union, time to wrap this post up.
ha ha! ange- i love your husband! funny!!!!! thankfully, my husband is already on board with painted trim and doesn't like the wood look either! 🙂 so we don't have to discuss what we will do with THAT wood. 😉 and now my innuendo quota is reached for my comment.
Love, love!! Maybe hubs needs to quest post more often! Now you know my story with mine, don't EVEN think about touching the wood so I am forwarding this to his email after I write this comment. Your before and after pics tell it all, what a difference it makes. Thanks for sharing! Made me smile this morning
Great post! This is always a huge issue with clients I work with. I wrote a post about my theories as to why men fear painting wood almost 2 years ago, and it's still one of my more popular posts: http://thedecorologist.com/wp/why-men-fear-painting-wood
LOL another husband who was convinced to paint the trim white! Gotta love it. Great post – you've got a keeper, Ange!
AHAHAH! I laughed outloud! I love your hubby's insights into the blogworld. Y'all are too cute 🙂 and I am southern so you'll get to hear me say that a lot!
Blooming Hubs: Bravo!!! You better watch out Ange, your husband just might want to start his own blog now. He is hilarious! I'm going to have my hubby read it. I'm sure he will get a kick out of it as well. By the way, you don't have to be from the South to appreciate saying y'all! lol It was so sweet the way he went on and on how awesome you are and how much he loves you! Awwww…sigh! Y'all are both awesome! 😀
Great post. I love that he has come to understand the value in painting wood. Pictures don't lie…the difference is night and day.
Your hubbby is hilarious and a keeper! Glad you were able to convert him over to the painted wood side.
That is too funny! My husband would definitely appreciate the humor. Haha. He's a tech geek, too. Loved all the sweetness at the beginning. Love white trim!
DARLING!! Still don't understand men and wood, but great to hear a man's perspective. And speaking as someone who is from the South, I've never understand how all you folks get through your days without 'y'all' in your vocabulary. I would be lost without it!
Yous guys are lucky to have each other, Ange. 🙂
LOL!!! So hilarious! What a great guy you have there Ange! And his…ahem…innuendos sound an awful lot like what I hear around my house too. 🙂 You can tell how very proud he is of all of your hard work and his love for you just oozes through the words. So glad you let him hijack your blog today!
Wow, SO funny! And yet so true. Thanks, Blooming Hubs for being willing to be a pioneer in this arena. Many bloggers will thank you for it! P.S. Ange- I tagged you in a post today! Feel free to participate if you want. =) http://posytheporcelainpig.blogspot.com/2012/01/blogger-survey-and-fun-award.html
🙂 That's the guy we know and love! Yes, my hubs is not ashamed to say that he loves your hubs too! (Oh, and my kids would just die without your kids around!) Your houses always look great and it's because you two are a team. Isn't it wonderful to be married to a man that stands by your side…even during our biggest projects! We have amazing hubbys! See you tomorrow night.
Great post! Our husbands need some kind of support group where they can go and talk about these things together. I have a feeling your husband and mine would see eye-to-eye on a WHOLE lotta things. 🙂