Today I’m heading out on a little adventure to try and take some wood off of a barn without having the barn crash down around me. My friend Jenny has a friend who’s parents have an old barn that they don’t want on their property anymore. They actually think we are a little nuts for wanting the wood off of it. I don’t mind being called nutty or crazy and in fact I answer to “hey you”
and a host of other names as well.
So while I am heading out with my trusty crowbar and an overdue tetanus shot, the little bubs, Jenny and her youngest, the hubby will be working on redoing this here little ol’ blog with a design I made myself in MS Publisher. I have been playing around with a design on here for about a week now and I really like what I have made. If the blog is offline for a bit or unavailable, that might be why!
On Monday I will be showing off my new (hope I finish it this weekend) entryway for the Romspiration party that is kicking off at Abode Love! Make sure you get your own rooms ready or just head over there to check out what others are linking up!
Hopefully I won’t be blogging about my trip to get 25 tetanus shots after getting a rusty nail in my body! Have a great Friday

🙂 I feel so gross…but it was worth each drop of sweat…and each peck from the rooster…and all my bloodly knuckles too! Your entry is going to be beautiful! Thanks for swinging a hammer with me today. I am so glad that our little ones didn't die out there with us. 🙂
I'm new here.
But, just wanted to let you know that I am putting your Roomspiration button on my blog and hope to join in the festivities!
I love your cloffice, ny the way and I Pinterested it a while back, but didn't know it was yours!
I pray you have a wonderfully blessed day making your home!