Friday Fun – A Game of Tag

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If you follow me on facebook then you know that I should be painting trim right now. Well I am not. I’m trying to psych myself up for it and thought maybe playing this game of Blogger Tag might help. Lisa from Shine Your Light tagged me and I’m supposed to answer the 11 questions Lisa came up with and then tag 11 bloggers who have to answer the 11 questions I come up with. Now that I think about it, painting trim might have been easier.

1. What’s your favorite place in the United States?

Hmmmm…….anywhere there is water.  After growing up in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and being about 15 minutes from some really great lakes including Lake Superior,  I really miss being near water so any city or area that has pristine lakes, that is my favorite!

2. Where would you love to visit that you’ve never been before?

This is a hard one but I’m going to go with Tennessee. When we originally thought of moving last spring, Franklin Tennessee was first on our list! This summer while on our way to Haven we will be stopping here so I can walk down the streets and take a gazillion pictures.  I love history and towns that have their historical buildings like Franklin are places that I would love to visit.  I also think Charleston and Savannah are on this list as well.

3. Favorite song you’re loving right now?

Ooh this is hard. I listen to many different styles of music but this song has really been in my head and on my heart lately. God is Able by Hillsong.  The hubby and I saw them live in concert in November and it was awesome!  I really feel like this could be a theme song for me,  it’s true,  our God is Able.

4. Good book recommendation?

I just finished reading The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton and I loved it. The beginning was a bit slow but she did a great job of combining history with modern day to make for an interesting story that weaves together three different lives.

5. What’s your best quality?

Well I think it would be my ability to make friends fairly easily, I like to meet new people and feel pretty at ease in social situations.  I can say for sure I don’t have social anxiety instead I worry about everything else.

6. What is something about yourself you’d like to change?

There are many things I’d like to change about myself, anxiety being number one.  If we are going with physical aspects, I would say my hair, this growing it out is for the birds.

7. What is the number one thing you hope to accomplish in 2012?

Driving somewhere outside my comfort zone, alone. That would be a big accomplishment and ties into number 6.

8. What is your favorite project that you’ve ever accomplished?

Wow, well I am going to say my first cloffice. I think the reason it’s my favorite is because it opened my eyes up to the home DIY blogging arena and gave me my first taste of room design, planning and making something functional and organized in our home.  I have always loved painting and decorating but this past year has been so much fun!

9. What is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?

Oh man, I’m sure if I thought long enough I could come up with something but I have nothing. I need to get back to painting the trim!

10. Favorite kitchen or home improvement tool?

My favorite home improvement tool is the Wooster paint brush. Love this thing and without it I’m not sure how my trim would look!  It is nice and small, with a flexible handle for hard to reach spots.

Source: via Deb on Pinterest

11. What do you enjoy about blogging?

It might sound cliche but I love all the great people I’ve met this past year. People who get what I’m talking about when I talk blog talk or DIY/home decor talk. I also love that I can share things from my own life like miscarriage and even anxiety, people not only encourage you, pray for you and let you know they have been there but it also puts it out there for someone else to find that might need to know they aren’t alone.

Thanks Lisa, for tagging me, this was fun! If you haven’t been over to see Lisa, you need to go and check out her blog. She has done some awesome things like her entryway and staircase, has great recipes and now a cool monthly link party where you link up your before and later in the month your after.  Best of all though, Lisa is just a joy to chat with and she is so sweet.  You will love her blog, I promise!

Now for the hard part, I probably shouldn’t be doing this after inhaling paint fumes all day but here are the 11 Bloggers I’m tagging.

Lisa Before Meets After
Andrea Our Blue Front Door
Patience White Lacquer
Shan Family Brings Joy
Brandi Do Not Disturb This Groove
Lauren Baylor Says
Aubrey All Things Bright & Beautiful
Kristy Hyphen Interiors
Anna Directions Not Included
Judy DIY by Design
Lisa A Room with A View

Here are the 11 questions!

1.   What are your favorite pizza toppings?
2.   If you could swap lives with someone for a day, who would you choose and why?
3.   Do you drink coffee?
4.   If you could vacation anywhere, where would you go?
5.  What was your favorite book as a child?
6.   If you were a color crayon, what color would you be?
7.   Best thing of 2011?
8.   Are you an early bird or night owl?
9.   Do you prefer a bath or a shower?
10. What is your favorite childhood memory?
11. What do you want to be when you grow up?   😉

**You must post the rules
**Answer the 11 questions that the tagger posted for you; then create 11 questions to ask the people you’ve tagged
**Tag 11 people and link them in your post
**Let them know you have tagged them

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5 thoughts on “Friday Fun – A Game of Tag

  1. Ange, thanks for playing along – I'm excited to check out your song and book recommendations! I adore your organized and pretty cloffice(s) and I love blogging for all the same reasons! AND I can't wait to hang with you at Haven!! (How many times do you think I'll say that before Haven actually arrives??? 🙂 🙂 ) Happy weekend my friend. Good luck with the trim painting!

  2. this was so fun to read! tennessee is a gorgeous state. my inlaws live in knoxville. i have lived in nashville and memphis 🙂 i have been to knoxville and gatlinburg… love nashville and gatlinburg the most!
    i hope that trim is coming along…. 😉

  3. Glad to have found your blog thru Lisa's Q & A! Your cloffice is inspiring! You definitely have a way with stencils! Happy painting!

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