Downton Abbey Premier Dinner Party Season 4

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This past summer I had some friends over who had never seen Downton Abbey before so like a good friend, I introduced them to my addiction, hoping they would become addicted as well.   Of course they were hooked after a few episodes and from there a Season 4 premier party idea was born.    My friend Amy & I are the social coordinators for our MOPS group this year and we’ve had lots of fun planning events for the moms, so naturally planning a Downton Abbey party was going to be a good time for us!

The menu was planned, the invitation sent, decor coordinated, dresses were readied and excitement was high!  The temperature was low, really low, like -16 low, but they still came to dinner!  That’s Mid-west dedication from these ladies!

This spring my dining room chairs are going back to white because the green is just not jiving with me but anyways, here is the dining table all decked out!



The staff was busy in the kitchen putting the final touches on the dinner.


Guests start arriving!  (and my camera had a horrid time with the lighting, thankful for black and white, plus it looks cool!)

Time for the dinner, the staff is ready and waiting to serve us!

I didn’t photograph all the food but here is some of what we devoured.

Servants in action!

We had great fun taking both serious and smiling photos.  I think we could pass for the Crawley Sisters’ friends.




While creating this collage, I sort of felt it had a Brady Bunch feel to it but Downton Abbey style,  The Lady Bunch.  Lol.   Seriously though, can you believe how beautiful these women are?  So thankful for their friendships!

We had to have one comedic shot, Katie’s facial expression is priceless!

This was so much fun and I loved planning it with this pretty lady!

After dinner was done we all changed into our WARM & COMFY clothes to settle in by the fireplace and watch two uninterrupted hours of Downton Abbey!  It was wonderful to pause it once in a while so we could  speculate, talk about the characters and laugh!

This amazing night wouldn’t have been possible without my family!  Yes I have an amazing family that was more than willing and able to play their parts as servants and butler.  They were busy serving us the food, taking away plates and filling our beverages,  it was fabulous!  Many thanks to my awesome hubby aka Abe Lincoln playing the part of Carson,  for all he did to make this night a success!!!  Also a big shout out to the neighbors that borrowed us a top hat, cane and a suit coat so that my man could play the part!

 And yes, I did pose with the butler for a few photos, scandalous I know!

Do we look like we could pass for Mary & Matthew?  Maybe I need a cool hat like that.


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2 thoughts on “Downton Abbey Premier Dinner Party Season 4

  1. Love DTA! I only began watching about six months ago. I got to watch the first three seasons, binge style, and then had to agonizingly wait for Season 4 to begin.

    Does it seem like Lord and Lady Grantham are getting less able as each season progresses? In the beginning, he, especially, seemed astute and tuned in. Now he seems almost completely out of touch with reality, almost a dunderhead.

    Great show. Thanks for the post.

  2. Oh how I wish I were friends with you and your friends! I love Downtown as well, and this looks like so much fun. How lovely of your family to play along. The pictures are great and everyone clearly had a wonderful time. Thanks so much for sharing it with all of us!

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