Dining Room Chair Debate

Posted On By ange
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While cruising magazines, pinterest, blogs and online shopping for the dining room, the one design element I am just not sure on is the seating.   I have two styles of chairs right now that I pretty much love but it’s form vs function between my man and my choices for seating.  He is practical, thinking about comfort and sturdyness of the seating while I am all googly eyed over the beauty of the seating.



(Anyone know where this image is from?  I googled it but nothing came up.)

Although seeing as I’ve had the same dining room chairs and table since 2005, I am a little scared to buy some new chairs and have them be uncomfortable or breaking in a year or two because we use our dining room every single day.  Yes,those are two different curtain panels, this was back when I had the great debate and oddly enough, I own both panels now.

I love the Seagrass style chairs but wonder on their long term durability with kids using forks and joining forces together in the dining room.   Also wondering if they are scratchy?  On those rare days when we can wear shorty shorts in Minnesota, will our legs become ground beef sitting on here?



I also love these Eames plastic style chairs but those wooden legs remind me of tooth picks.  We play some pretty crazy games of hand and foot with our friends sometimes, so not sure how long those legs will last.  The hubby also thinks these chairs don’t look that comfortable to sit in for longer than 5 minutes.


My absolute first choice for dining room chairs would be some awesome Chippendale Chairs which I have been lusting after for a few years now.  I’ve searched Craigslist but apparently people in the mid-west either don’t buy these chairs or if they do, they NEVER sell them.  EVER.


And let’s be real, ain’t nobody got the benjamins for the knock-off versions of these chairs either, well at least for 6 of them.  My chair budget could afford me maybe a pair of these but then where would everyone else sit?



Let’s be honest, these are the only Chippendales we can afford.


So I’d love to hear from you if you have any of these chairs in your home and use them more than twice a year!



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2 thoughts on “Dining Room Chair Debate

  1. Hi,
    I’ve had the Eames side chairs (and two armchairs) in my dining room for years now – they are surprisingly comfortable, sturdy and have held up great in our household of two very active boys. I would absolutely recommend them. However, I am not a fan of knockoffs of any kind and as such own the Herman Miller versions – so I cannot speak of the quality of “other” manufacturers.

    1. Thank you for the feedback on the Eames side chairs. I am still loving them so we’ll have to see what we end up doing in the dining room.

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