Color My World Challenge Week 4: Fabric

Posted On By ange
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This week I have nothing to show you as the fabric I originally ordered didn’t work out and there wasn’t enough time to order more.  Then I thought I’d be able to find something around here but after visiting 3 fabric stores 65 times in the past few days, I have nothing.  That’s right, a big fat zero.  The good news is I will have something next week for the full reveal.  In the meantime I thought I’d share a few chartreuse fabric options out there in case some of you are really digging this color and want to give it a whirl in your home.  All fabrics are from and clicking on the picture should take you to the link at

As you can see there is a range in the color scale for what is considered chartreuse, some is more on the yellow side and others are more green.

  I’ll be back next week for the final reveal and you can join in the fun and link up then as well!  In the meantime check out what everyone else did this week with fabric and their color!

Carmel – Our 5th House
Kristy – Hyphen Interiors
Maury – Life On Mars
Shaunna – Perfectly Imperfect
Shelley – Crazy Wonderful
Suzy – Saved by Suzy
Tiffany – Living Savvy
Tiffany – Worthwhile Domicile
Vashti & Jamie – Like me Some…
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14 thoughts on “Color My World Challenge Week 4: Fabric

  1. Ugh, that’s so frustrating! Sorry the fabric didn’t work out. I came super close to not getting mine either, since I ordered it mid-last week. Thankfully, ships out of GA and I’m in SC, so it only took 2 days to get my order. Otherwise, I would have been in the same boat.

  2. I’m so glad I wasn’t the only one that didn’t find the right fabric in time for Fabric Week! I do like some of your options though. Here’s to finished projects on Review Week!

  3. The birds with the little pagodas is a fun print. I also have the chipper print in pink in Mary’s room…that’s always a favorite of mine. I wish we had all of these awesome fabrics locally. It’s hard to know exactly what you’re getting when ordering online.

  4. So sorry you came up empty handed after scouring the fabric stores – that’s frustrating!But I love your fabric ideas, especially the one with the chartreuse floral print and pink birds. Can’t wait to see what you do next week!

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