Cloffice Mini Makeover

Posted On By ange
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This past weekend we had friends come for the night to play some games and hang out with us.  Our kids love to put on shows for us, yes, even at 14 and 12 years old, the older girls still like to boss the younger ones around and choreograph stuff to music.  They decided to make a runway for the fashion show, using the plywood shelving that used to reside in my pantry.  The shelving was covered up with fleece blankets so you could walk on it without hurting your feet.  Lucky for them, not so lucky for me as I managed to catch my pinky toe on the corner of one of the shelves and fracture it.  My foot still hurts, is now blue and purple and I can’t really walk on it.  So I figured while I sit around with my foot elevated, it would be a good time to post on the blog.  One day we will all laugh about the runway but for right now, I’m still not amused.

When the winter starts to drag on and the sun isn’t out very often, I try to find ways to keep myself from laying around, eating bad food and being highly unproductive.  Thanks to the 30% off paint sale at Sherwin Williams a few weeks ago, I have been a painting fool.   It also helps when you have enough paint in your basement to be considered a small paint store.
I started with the basement hallways and doors, somehow the hallway never got a second coat of paint and the doors are still just primed.  The hallway paint color is Sherwin Williams Aloof Gray.


I also managed to finally paint the handrail going down to the basement, that’s been primed for at least a year so glad to check that off my list.

Next up I decided to paint over the cloffice stenciled wall.  It’s been three years and it was a good run but I was ready for a change.


I went with stripes and ended up using a sample paint from Sherwin Williams, so it was $5 for the Kendall Charcoal.  I added in my thrifted floral art and called it a day.  I love when I can makeover a space using paint and not much else for as little as $5.


I may switch out the chair or do something else here but for now, it’s good enough and I have other projects waiting to be finished.

In the meantime, I thought it would be fun to look at the cloffice area from when we moved in until now.  Crazy how paint can change  a space so much!


We are working on the rest of the entryway as well, which I hope to post updates on here soon.  If you follow me on Instagram or FB, then you saw a sneek peak or two already of the picture frame moulding we are installing and the new paint color.


We are done with the entryway but the stairway going upstairs is a whole other work in progress thanks to some wonky placement of stairway lights when our home was built.  I promise I’ll post pics of that soon!

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