Christmas Cookies 2011

Posted On By ange
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Last week we spent a few hours making cookies together as a family.  It was fun and we even tried out a new to us recipe.  The deadly Peanut Butter Cups which are surrounded by yummy Peanut Butter Cookie cup goodness.   I used this recipe if you want to make these too but don’t blame me when the scale has an extra few pounds on it. 

We also made our old standby, Spritz Cookies.

The kids favorite part is the sprinkling of sprinkles on the pan, floor and counter cookies.

Then we made another batch of these easy peasy minty magical thingys because mommy ate all of the last batch really likes them! The recipe is found over at Six Sister’ Stuff.

Friday is frosting and decorating the Sugar Cookies day.  Hopefully the kids & I  survive have fun!
I have a feeling after all the sugar we consume in the next few days, my kids might look like this:

If you have some great cookie recipes you can link them up with Kate at Centsationalal Girl, she’s having a Cookiepalooza Party.

Hopefully I can sneak back on before Saturday and update you on the Covert Operation Christmas Gift.  Hubby is in the garage as we speak working on it and I need to go join him.  This is his look for the mission, the kids won’t recognize him, I’m sure.

Ok, obviously I’ve had too much sugar and it’s time to quit mixing Pinterest with Pleasure.  HA!

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8 thoughts on “Christmas Cookies 2011

  1. Those minty ones look amaaaazing! What is it with chocolate and mint that creates magic?! Also, I'm incredibly disturbed by the shot of that little girl. 🙂

  2. LOL! That pic of the little girl gave me the heebie geebies! All of your cookies sounds so yummy…and dangerous! I feel like I have no self control right now so its a good thing they aren't at my house. 🙂 I'm going to have to try those minty ones next year and hopefully my jeans will be less snug by then!

  3. Those look yummy! We are going to attempt to do the same thing, IF I can be patient(pary for me). I made some cookies a couple weeks ago and we ate them all, so time for round two 🙂 Your not alone!

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